Page 64 of Stolen Heart

"We will follow you then."

"How did he manage to get Naomie to come up here?" Nakota asked Lacoma.

"He planted a seed of gossip, that Big Knife had challenged a Sioux for a maiden." Lacoma chuckled.

Nakota laughed, "That would do it."

But it took nearly an hour for Nakota and his men to reach the cave and by then they were gone. Still Bear Paw stayed behind to inform them.

"Big Knife knew she would be followed, so they moved to another cave." Bear Paw informed him.

Nakota nodded, "Black Wolf is following?"

"Yes, but he will leave us a trail, to find him."

"Good." Nakota was pleased. "We must hurry as the snow is falling harder now."


It started to snow as they were high into the mountains and already winter was catching them unaware. Black Wolf knew he would have to make his trail more obvious in the snow, so he tore the fringe of leather on his pouch and dropped them along the trail. He only hoped the snow would not cover them as he tried to plant them on scrubs and low tree limbs.

"Must we go so far up into the mountains?" Naomie complained after over an hour of climbing. Black Wolf stayed back far enough they did not see him, but he could hear most of their conversations.

"Yes, we'll find a good place to hide, then we can plan our attacks. They won't be expecting us to attack so soon. We must always surprise the blue coats. When we get those guns we will be as powerful as they."

"I am so tired. I have ridden half the night to get here and now this." Naomie complained once more.

"Woman," he came up to her and grabbed her jaw roughly. "You chose to come here I told you not to, now you whine. Either you are with me, or you're not!"

She was shocked by the rough treatment. "I carry your child, an

d this is the way you treat me?"

"Then keep up as I have no time to take care of you now. That's why I didn’t want you here."

Naomie frowned and pulled away from him. "I thought you loved me."

"It is not time for love Naomie." He scolded. "It is time for war, and war is an angry time." He told her. "We must use our wits to stay alive. This is not a game Naomie. We must win this for our people."

"Our people do not want war with the blue coats. This is vengeance and you know it." Naomie cried.

"A man must stand up for himself and his people. The blue coats tell us where to live, what to eat, how we can trade. I will not live under their yoke any longer. They have destroyed the buffalo, moved us to land that will not grow anything. How can we survive?"

She sighed and touched his shoulder now, "I understand it, but I don't like it. Killing is not something a woman does."

"You are right my pet, it isn't. And I understand how you feel. But in the end, we will be the victor!"

"I hope you are right," she murmured.

Chapter Eighteen

The higher they climbed, the more slippery the trail as it was mostly rock in the high places. The temperature dropped too, making Black Wolf shiver. After traveling all night, they found a place about two hours before sunup. Black Wolf was a bit weary himself.

He found a place some distance from the cave, as long as they did not move again, he was set until Nakota and the rest of their men arrived. He wouldn't confront them alone unless their plans were to attack immediately.

He listened for conversation, but he could no longer hear them.

He kept his eyes trained on the cave entrance.