Page 49 of Stolen Heart

"I must make Naomie go after Big Knife and follow her. We cannot locate his hide out. He is probably hold up in one of the many caves, but he has tricked us with going in circles to find him."

"He is very cunning in that way." Sasha nodded.

"Yes, he is," he said.

She turned to stare at him, breathlessly a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"I did not think him that clever."

"I am sorry you didn't find him. But although Big Knife has little intelligence, he is very at home in his element, and quite clever at deceiving." she murmured as her eyes met his. Their minds seemed trained on each other, as though questions were not important, what was important was the feelings they presented to each other.

"I agree!" He stared at her from the distance where she was heating up a meal for him. "Come sit beside me, the food can wait a moment."

She pulled the food off the fire and turned to look at him shyly.

"I figured you were hungry." She told him as she came toward him.

He reached his hand to her. "I have missed you," he said softly as she sat beside him on the blanket.

"I missed you too." She whispered.

He looked into her eyes, "Show me."

"What?" she gasped.

"Show me how much you missed me?" he said with a smile in his eyes.

She moved toward him now, her heart pounding like a big drum, a fine film of sweat on her brow. She leaned and kissed him softly on the lips.

His smile was warm and welcoming though. "Perhaps I should leave more often and come back as your kisses warm my soul." He smiled tenderly into her eyes. "I am sorry about your father, Sasha."

"Yes, so am I." she said softly. "But, why are you back if you did not get him?"

"He is a clever hunter and tracker. He plays games with us." He hadn't turned loose of her hand. "We went in circles for days. He fooled us every time. No, we need Naomie to go to him. We know he's found refuge in caves and caverns up there, but there are so many it would take some time to find each of them, and he would move often, we are sure. But I came back to try to get Naomie to go to him. And I'm not sure how to get her to do so."

"Naomie!" she nearly shouted.

"We must run her out of here, so she will go to him." He told her. "Nakota and I both feel like she is our best bet at finding him. So we must find a way to get her to leave and go to him."

Sasha sighed with understanding. "Yes, it is a good plan, for she would know where he is." She said and sat up once more. "I went to talk to her."

"And how did she act?" He asked his thumb rubbing over the top of her hand now.

"She was so hateful." Sasha shook her head. "But there is something you should know. She is with child. At least she says she is. It could be a lie. She says she carries his child now."

Big Wolf expelled breath from the news and turned away. "It figures. All the more reason for her to go to him. Perhaps if I let it be known that your brother sets a trap for him, then she will go to warn him."

"That might work. But she knows how good he is at hiding and tracking. It must be something that she feels uncertain about. As beautiful as she is, she has one flaw that I know of."

"What is it?"


"Aw, yes, perhaps you are right. Jealousy can lead anyone into trouble."

Sasha nodded. "She denied the toad stools, but I knew that was what killed my father. It worked too quickly. She thinks because she is pregnant no one will bother her here."

"Sasha," he leaned toward her, and took her cheeks in his hands, staring into her eyes now. "Do you trust me?"