Page 47 of Stolen Heart

Nakota stared then smiled. "We are of like minds, I see."

"Beings she's your sister, you may not have noticed. But Sasha is the daughter of a great chief, and he belittled her, betrayed her, and hurt her, for that I would gladly kill him myself. For your father, who loves peace as much as I, I would do the same. Sasha is the most beautiful woman I have ever known. To be treated as though she is nothing, makes me very angry."

Nakota smiled, "You're in love with her, aren't you?"

"Yes, I have been since the first day I laid eyes upon her. But you don't understand. Her beauty radiates from within. It comes from her very heart. And he has tried to destroy that. For that I would gladly wring his neck."

Nakota stared now, "You are right, my brother. She is a beautiful person. Only a man in love would recognize that beauty so easily."

"Not only her and your father he belittles the Wind River Valley. It is a good reservation. Much better than some. In peace we can accomplish some of the things we've always wanted. But once war begins it could all be lost. We cannot let it happen. If he escapes, we must keep him in our sites and not let him start this war. No matter what it takes. Even if it does mean his death. Do what you must do. And I will urge this Naomie's journey to find him."


"I will ride out in the morning. I will speak with my men and they will help you find him."

"Yes, that would be a good plan. We cannot find him riding in circles. And Naomie would lead us right to him. For I am sure she is anxious to be with him."

"I agree." Black Wolf nodded.

They hunted for wild game then cooked the deer over an open fire. While Nakota cooked it, Black Wolf spoke with his men. Some of the men dressed out the deer and made covers for their shoes with the hide.

Black Wolf went to speak to his men.

"I must leave you, as I intend to send this Naomie after Big Knife and then you will find him. Try your best not to kill him, as before that happens, he must face his tribe for what he has done. But do not let him escape as he will cause many problems for all of us. He must be captured or killed. And this Naomie is just as dangerous. We must try to bring them both back to the tribe. Wind River Valley is our home, and we must protect it with our lives."

The men nodded, and he spoke with several of them before joining Nakota once more.

"They agree and they will take orders from you, as I told them personally, that you are our brother."

"Thank you, that will help."

"Tell me, are you and my sister getting along alright?" he asked him out of curiosity.

Black Wolf smiled, "Better than I hoped for. She is a woman of fire and well worth waiting for. But she has had a lot of distress lately and I am worried about her. I do not trust this Naomie."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"I fear she might try to kill Sasha too."

Nakota raised up from his knees, "Kill her?"

"For one, they were in love with the same man. For another, Naomie fed her father a poison, at Big

Knife's urgings. If I were Sasha, I would want her dead!"

"Yes, yes, I see what you mean. Then, it is good that you go."

"I will look after your wife and children too." Black Wolf promised.

"Thank you, as we really don't know what Naomie might try."

"A woman that cannot be trusted is dangerous."

"You are right. I was so intent on getting Big Knife I did not think about the dangers of Naomie. But if she could kill my father so easily, she could hurt others."

"I will not let that happen. I will do everything to prod her away from them all. And as soon as she leaves, I will follow her myself. We cannot let them get away."

"Good idea." Nakota nodded.