Page 39 of Stolen Heart

In no time they were riding toward the Arapaho camp.

There was all manner of commotion, and Naomie came running up to her. "It is your father." She looked almost guiltily at her. "He has taken ill." The way she said that, had Sasha staring. Naomie hung her head. She didn't look her in the eye either.

Sasha had no time for greetings, she ran to his tepee with Black Wolf by her side.

Her father lay on a blanket, covered and she knelt down by his side. "Father, what is wrong?" she asked, as concern laced her words.

Her father looked very pale and his lips were wrinkled as though he'd been too thirsty too long.

"I do not know for sure. But I am glad you are here." He said as he opened his eyes and looked about.

"Of course I am here. And so is Black Wolf."

The old man's eyes drifted from her to him and he gave a weak smile.

"It is good you both have come. Something is very wrong, and I do not know what. But now that you are here, you must listen."

"Of course," Black Wolf nodded coming closer.

"I am happy you have taken my daughter as your wife. It is as it should be. And I know now you are protected." He glanced at Sasha and his hand touched her cheek softly. "There is much unrest here now."

"But father what is wrong. I have not been gone that long?"

"Big Knife has been encouraging the people to war against the blue coats." the old man looked from her to Black Wolf. "I have objected, but he persists. It is the first time he has said so aloud to our people. I fear he will start a war, and our people will die. We must do everything to stop him. I was wrong to ever encourage you to care for him. You, Black Wolf have encouraged peace here in this Valley. It is a good place, and we must do everything we can to remain here. Will you help me keep the peace here?" he took hold of Black Wolf's hand.

Black Wolf smiled, "I will do everything I can, to do so. For as you say it is good here."

"Thank you." The old man closed his eyes while Sasha examined him.

When she was through, she turned to Black Wolf with a distress he'd never seen on her beautiful face.

"What is wrong with him?" he whispered so the old chief did not hear.

"He has been poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Black Wolf bristled. "Who would do such a thing?"

"There is only one brave enough to try such a thing. Big Knife. I must find my brother and tell him of what I have discovered."

"Yes, I can find him while you help your father."

"Thank you!" she laid a hand on his arm.

"Do not worry." He smiled.

"I am not sure I have come soon enough to help him, but I will try, and I will pray. He is very weak."

"As will I." Black Wolf assured her.

Suddenly without thought she touched his cheek softly, then kissed him there. Black Wolf stared into her eyes and saw the tears she would not shed.

"Do not worry my sweet," he told her.

Black Wolf left then. He asked an old woman where her brother was, and she pointed to a lodge not far away.

Nakota came out and stared at Black Wolf, he grabbed his arm and shook it. "We must talk."

"Come in." he invited Black Wolf.