Page 34 of Stolen Heart

"But the kiss is still a mystery to me. Making love is a mystery."

"A kiss is special, as when a man goes to fight a battle, and he leaves his true love behind, he wants her to know he loves her, and he kisses her with all his might. As he does not have the time to make love. So kissing is an expression of love. A harsh kiss means he does not respect you much, a too soft kiss means he either doesn't love you or doesn't want to make love with you."

She came up, close to him, staring into his eyes, "How can a kiss mean so much? I do not mean for it to sound so ignorant, but I thought he just respected the fact that I was a chief's daughter."

"It's possible. I have kissed many maidens, but I feel the same way. They want to be the Chief's wife. I cannot speak for him. But the way you showed me how he kissed, tells me a lot."

"It does?"

"Yes, sweet Sasha it does. A kiss is important only when you love someone. That's the difference Sasha. Why did you not kiss him the way you kiss me?"

She blushed, "Oh that, well, I'm not sure. I guess it is strange, isn't it? Naomie knew many warriors and kissed them. I knew only Big Knife and kissed him. He did not speak pretty words to me or flatter me much as he did Naomie. It was much like a friend that likes you a lot. I should have known the difference. I can see that now. How can one be wise in some things and so ignorant in others?"

"You are not ignorant, you are innocent. And there is a difference."

"Yes, I have heard that word many times, and am just now understanding what it means. I had no one to compare it with. There is such a difference in the way you kiss me. I feel things, I probably shouldn't feel. I do not want you to think ill of me, I simply respond to the way you do it."

"Sasha, Big Knife did not love you!" Black Wolf said softly. "I am sorry, but a man that kisses like you showed me, is a man who might think well of you, but he is not in love with you. A kiss is a form of passion. And passion is what makes you respond the way you do to me. You kiss well, Sasha for one so naïve."

"I do not wish to be naïve. I feel ignorant. I was never very bold with Big Knife. Perhaps that is another reason he did not love me." She said, frowning at him now. "And from what you've said Big Knife did not love me at all." She concluded. "Not having a lot of experience with kissing, I could not tell the difference until you came along, and I saw them kissing. I saw the difference very clearly then. But I don't understand why I react differently. Perhaps it wasn't love at all, but more like a friend as you said. And I just didn't know the difference. It was me who made more of it, than I should. I know that now. So I am to blame."

"Yes, I imagine that was it. But it wasn't your fault."

"It was I that put too much importance on it." She admitted. "I suppose one can feel almost sisterly toward them, then."


"But… that doesn't explain you though. You kiss like you love all the time."

He smiled at her, almost shyly.

"I do not kiss many women, Sasha. Not like I kiss you." He told her.

"Then how can you kiss me like that?" she asked. "You hardly know me. And you knew I was promised. Yet you kissed me still."

He almost laughed but saw her serious face. "Because, I knew you were the one the moment I looked upon you. But I realize I cannot expect you to feel the same." He said and turned away. "Nor can you understand why I feel that way."

"The moment you saw me you acted arrogant and angry." She protested.

He smiled, "It was like a hammer hitting me in the head. I was shocked. I felt a bit silly!"


"You took me by surprise, sweet Sasha."

She reached to turn his head toward her, "You're saying you love me?"

"Yes, Sasha, it is why I married you! I would not marry for any other reason." he said and got up and went outside.

Her mouth flew open to say something, but she had to think about it. He loved her!

It seemed impossible!

And how did she feel? She knew nothing of real love. Nor how to please a man. But where had he gone? Would he come back? Had she shamed him? How could he love her so soon? There were too many unanswered questions.

The real question was, how did she feel? Because she loved his kisses and answered him with her own response each time. It was like a fever, the more she was around him, the more she wanted his kisses. She wanted to know so much more but dare not ask.

Chapter Ten