Page 32 of Guilty as Sin

"Hope you find her. Is he going to turn her into the Sheriff or something?"

"I don't know what his plans are. I only know he wants to find her." The man put his coffee cup down and stared then stood up. "I think she's here. You want to tell me where? Where is she? Don't lie, I saw the extra cup." He looked accusingly at Moon now.

"Yes, for my partner when he returns, he's checking out traps we set."

"The girl. I know you got her here somewhere."

"Do you see a girl?"

"Let's don't play games. Did you get rid of her?"

"Rid of her?"

"Yeah, I figure you had her and got rid of her fast. I mean an Injun with a white girl, that could get you killed, now couldn't it?"

Moon stood at the ready. As the man drew his pistol, Moon threw his knife and cut a gash into his hand. The gun fell and Moon grabbed it and threw it away. "That's all right," The man grabbed his hand and frowned. "I'd like to tear into you myself. Did you kill her?"

"You accuse easily" Moon told him.

"What did you do with her?"

"I know nothing."

"You're lying. I'll tear you apart with my bare hands. Do you know what they do to Injuns that kill white girls?"

"I'm aware." Moon told him. "But you assume too much, sir."

The big man punched him in the gut. Moon bent, but staggered and threw a right punch at the man's jaw.

The man moved back, shook his head and tore into Moon like an angry bear.

Lissa saw it all and it was all she could do to watch. She was panting, she was so concerned. She needed to help Moon. It was her job to protect him now.

The big man got in a few more punches before Moon flipped over and came at him low like, knocking him on the ground. Moon was wrestling with him now, when Lissa came out from the rocks. The man saw her then grabbed the knife in Moon's hand and stabbed him in the arm.

Moon jerked up and suddenly a gunshot rang through the air.

Lissa had used her little gun and killed the man. She was standing directly over them now. She saw the starry-eyed look in his eyes and knew he was dead.

Moon stared at her, "Now you've done it."

"What do you mean?" she shouted.

"I mean they will really be after us if they get word of this." There was a hint of anger in his voice, and frustration.

"They won't, we'll bury him, no one will know."

"They'll know when he doesn't come back."

"But if they can't find a body, they can't hang me." She told him. "Well, I had to kill him!" she cried following Moon's restless steps. "He was hurting you!"

Suddenly Moon looked down at her and stood beside her, taking the gun from her shaking hands. With shocking clarity, he realized she'd done it for him!

"He was going on an assumption. He didn't know you were here." he told her as though her killing the man were nothing.

"You would have killed him if I hadn't." she told him. The tears came down her cheeks in a river. She seemed totally unaware that she was crying.

He held her by the arms now and stared into her face, "Yes, I would have killed him, Lissa. Do not cry, we had no choice. I am sorry. It is only that I worry about the consequences. I want to get you out of danger, and yet it seems danger lurks around us."