Page 23 of Guilty as Sin

"Yes, now we know." He said dully.

That startled her.

"I did not mean it to be a kiss," he frowned. "It was the only way to shut you up without yelling."

"Oh, my mistake." She stared at him. "But I think you are lying."

He stared at her now, "How would you know?"

"You don't look at me when you lie."

"This is no time to discuss it." He told her as he heard the men coming again.

There were more shots in the distance.

Moon stared at her now and put his finger to his lips. She nodded.

The taller man came back to the camp and saw the wood for the fire. "No deer, but I got a c

ouple of rabbits." He told his friend.

"Good enough. Didn't feel like dressing out no deer anyway." The other one chuckled.

"We'll make camp here tonight and tomorrow head back to the ranch. The boss is probably looking for us now."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I'm give out chasing strays."

Standing on a big tree limb for hours was hard and several times Lissa almost fell. He grabbed her to him and held her against him. "Lean on me when you need to, we'll be out of here soon." He whispered lowly by her ear.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. He pressed her into the tree trunk. Her softness stirred him. She looked up at him. "My legs keep wanting to crumble." She tiptoed to whisper in his ear.

"Shh… "

"Hey Joe, you ever been married?"

"Naw, cain't say I have, why?" The tall cowboy looked at his friend as they nibbled the rabbit.

"I've been giving thought to it lately. That girl in Evans, the one with the feather in her hat, she sure is a pretty thing. You think she'd look at me if I cleaned up?"

Joe chuckled, "Maybe. But it's a fact you'd have to clean up some."

"I'm gonna ask her to have some tea with me, or something."

"Tea?" Joe chuckled.

"What's wrong with tea?"

"Not a damn thing Ed, not a damn thing." Joe chuckled.

"It gets lonely being a cowboy all the time. Pushin' cows all day, never a female around."

"Yeah, your right about that. But I usually just go into the saloon and get what I want and be done with it."

"That's no way to live Joe." The little one shook his head with disgust. "You can get the clap really easy and then you got troubles. And besides, what happens when your old and got no one to look after you?" Ed told him. "Besides, I want a good woman, one I can curl up to and maybe have some babies with. You know, sit around the fire at home and talk with half the night. I mean don't you get lonely. Jawin' with a man is different than talking to a woman. That girl back in Evans looks like she's got some sense about her, and she's so pretty."

"Well, I reckon if that's what you want, you ought to go after it." Joe told him. "But remember one thing. It takes money to settle down like that."

"Yeah, I made fair money and then we get to the end of a trail drive and I blow it all before I even get back home."