Page 71 of Guilty as Sin

"Do you honestly think it will work?" her voice held hope. He had heard it.

"My God showed me it would. That's why I came after you. But… it is your choice."

"Marriage is a big step Moon. I never considered marrying someone I wouldn’t stay married to."

"It is a lifetime commitment Lissa, for you and for me."

"But a lifetime without love, that's a long time Moon." She told him softly.

Suddenly he backed her against the building wall, his hands came up to her cheeks, his thumbs caressing her there and he stared into her shining eyes. "I cannot say what day or night I fell in love with you Lissa, but it happened. Each kiss we shared I treasured in my heart with the knowledge that an Indian man couldn't have a white woman as his own. I thought when I first kissed you, you'd be cold and not invite another, but you were warm, and your lips answered mine. I could not forget such a thing. But," he turned away suddenly as though hurt. "If you have forgotten and no longer feel the same, I understand and will go my way."

"You love me… " she gasped her eyes shining into his.

"I did not choose to." He whirled around at her as though angry.

"Oh Moon," she sighed with a sweet smile. "I thought you'd never say those words to me. Why didn't you say them when you first showed up so unexpectedly here, you seemed angry with me?"

"You were distant. You didn't look as though you wanted me here."

She reached to pull him closer. "Then kiss me and let me welcome you!" she cried.

Chapter Thirteen

"This is not the time nor the place for such things. Anyone could come around the corner and what would they think of you kissing an Indian?" He frowned.

"You're right of course. I should know better." She glanced around now as though expecting someone to show up. "I know I wasn't very friendly when you showed up. I'd planned to leave and never see you again. The first night I cried most of the night, I missed you so." She watched his facial expression, as though he didn't quite believe her. She went on, "The second, I cried again because it hurt to leave you and Jack and the wolves. I didn't want to leave, Moon but I thought it the only way to give you your life back. You'd become so distant."

"My life back? You became my life when you refused to go back, when you kissed me like you meant it. When you laughed and talked and then we made a pact to stick together and you walked out of that. Jack said you loved me, I find it hard to believe, but I have come to find out if it is true."

She stared into his eyes once more, "I have loved you from the beginning." She whispered. "For one you saved me from Earl. That kind of impresses a girl, Moon. Then… you took me with you, which I didn't expect you to give in to my plea. Then you kissed me, and everything started changing. In all my life, no one had kissed me like that, with such tenderness, such caring. And there in the rain, I was sure how I felt then, but you said nothing and after we got to Jack's you were so silent. I thought you'd rethought it and decided we could not love. But I still loved you Moon. I couldn't change it, and when you stopped kissing me, I thought you didn't really love me. It was like some beautiful adventure we had in those woods, and you chose to forget it. I didn't want to leave Moon, but I couldn't watch you walk away from me like that."

His mouth opened but for a moment he only stared. "Then come with me and forget the stage, you can leave with me tonight."

"I can't do that. They will expect me to board the stage. If I'm not there, they will look for me. It could get out of hand. I must leave on the stage, Moon."

"Are you going to leave me again?" he asked, his face screwed up into a wad of frowns.

"You said you loved me, did you mean it?"

He wasn't facing he now and she could see the tension in his shoulders and suddenly it was gone as she turned around slowly and stared at her from a distance.

"I love you more than my life, Lissa! And I'll do anything to make it work between us. I know I had no faith in it working between us. But I know something else now…"


"That our love is stronger than anything else in my life. That to live without you for the rest of my life, would be impossible. I hungered for you, wished for you, dreamed for you. But I had no faith. After praying at the Holy Place, I felt something else, a spark of hope, a growing faith that love would prevail. I cannot live my days out without you Lissa. You have become part of me!" He told her, his eyes holding her gaze.

"Oh Moon!" She cried moving toward him, but he put a hand up.

"Not here, it's too dangerous." He told her.

"Then I will follow. Are you having doubts?"

"About what?" she asked softly coming closer.

"About us being together so much."

"Not if what you said was the truth?"