Page 54 of Guilty as Sin

"Well, I think I got Charlie looking elsewhere for you." Jack scratched his head.

"He sure didn't waste any time." she cried.

"Lissa this has to be hard on you, especially since it was Moon." Jack told her.

"While I was listening just now, it dawned on me a way to get Moon totally out of this."

"What do you mean?" Moon came to stand beside her now.

"If they catch me, they'll want a confession. I could say I went inside the barn to do my chores and found Earl there, dead already. With no clue as to who killed him. That way Moon wouldn't be charged with anything. I'd also say I was scared my Pa would blame me for it."

"Yeah… that might work." Jack scratched his head. "So?"

"Well, they don't have a body for the other man. So, I can't be blamed for that." She smiled, "So, what do you think?"

"I think it's a good angle."

Moon studied on it too, "Yes, and if they ever do catch you. You can say you ran away because you were afraid of your father, especially after you found Earl dead in the barn."

Lissa thought about it, then looked at Moon, "Only, how can I live with the truth?"

"You live with it by realizing that Moon saved you from Earl and did you a favor. Then you killed the other man for the same reason. It was justice."

"Even if we stick with that story, she can't turn herself in."

"No, that would be admitting she knew too much about it all. We'll wait."

"Doesn't matter which one they blame me for, I am guilty, Jack?" She looked from Jack to Moon.

"I-I… excuse me," she ran to her room and shut the door.

Moon started after her, but Jack stopped him. "Let her cry it out. She's got to get rid of some of those pent-up feelings boy."

Moon nodded, "I guess you're right. But I killed Earl, not her!"

"They didn't see you Moon, it's all on her now."

"That's not right."

"Right or wrong, it's fact. And that story she came up with is the best I've heard yet."

"But it's a lie, Jack."

Jack nodded with disgust. "I know and lying isn't a good thing. But I don't believe the truth is going to save either one of you. You because you are Indian, and her because she's an innocent."

"What the hell are we going to do Jack?" Moon leaned over a kitchen chair and fretted.

"You can't clear her on this, they'd hang you before you even got to a jail. So, forget it. We'll stick with this story she came up with. It's the only way for the two of you to have a life."

"I can't let her take all the blame."

Jack sighed aloud now. "When it comes to something like this, it's time to turn it over to the Lord, son."

"I'm not afraid for me, I'm afraid for her."

"I know you are, so am I. We just gotta protect her, is all. No matter what it takes. If lying is what it takes, then we'll lie."

"I guess you are right, but I doubt she can live with it though."