Page 50 of Guilty as Sin


When Jack went into town the next day to get her some clothes, Lissa figured it was time to take a bath and asked Jack where she could bath.

"Well, you could use the tub if you want, but someone could come up and spot you in that. Got a watering pond about a mile down the road out back. Use it for stock. It'd be safe for you."

"Thanks," she smiled. She found some towels and took one and some lye soap.

The pond was under a big mesquite tree, shaded from the hot sun and she peeled off her clothes before getting in. It was secluded and she saw no harm in getting herself good and clean for her new man clothes. She giggled at the thought. Now she would be a man, and Moon, with his high morals would probably never look at her again. A sadness filled her, for Moon had become the bright spot in her life. She knew she was falling in love, and she had no idea how to handle it.

Being alone gave her time to think about all that had happened. Perhaps too much time.

Moon had gone to see a friend down the road about a horse he'd been considering buying for some time. With the sale of the wild mustangs he'd taken to Ridge City, he figured he could afford one now. He and Jack had split the money and he'd still have some left.

She was alone and it relieved her some. She hadn't had time to think about all that had happened, about her feelings for Moon, about being here. When she made the decision to come with Moon, there was no time for heavy thinking. There was no time to plan ahead, to know what she was doing. But the circumstances had made it so. Now, they were no longer running, but the dangers were still here.

Being alone in the pond made Lissa feel wonderful. She played and splashed and enjoyed being in the water. She washed her hair first, then began scrubbing her body.

It felt heavenly being clean again. She bathed in the creek at home a couple of times a week. She always took her time. But she'd been here for a while and it was time to get out when a stranger came upon her.

"Well hello there," the cowboy said, with a smirk.

"I'm bathing would you mind leaving so I can get out, then you can water your horse or whatever you are doing here."

"I'd rather stay and watch you."

"So, you're not a gentleman?"

"Oh sure, I am. Can't blame a man for trying though, can you?" He asked with a smile. "Good day to you, ma'am."

He tipped his hat and left.

Lissa grimaced. "Damn," she hadn't meant for anyone to catch her out here.

She got out and grabbed her clothes quickly when she was sure the cowboy had ridden off.

Moon was just the other side of the pond when she finished dressing and came out of the bushes.

"Sorry, I was getting worried." He said when she spotted him. "Jack told me you were out here."

"Did you see my visitor?" she asked a bit angrily.

"I saw him. He works for one of the ranches around here. I would have come out, but it wouldn’t be good for him to know you were with me and Jack."

"I guess not." She replied.

"I brought your other clothes."

"Oh, Jack got back?"

"Yeah. Look, you will need to bind yourself so no one will know."

She blushed, "Oh, what with?"

"He brought some cotton cloth to use."

"Good," she grabbed it. "If you'll turn around, I'll go change then."

"Sure," he frowned.