Page 30 of Guilty as Sin

"Would you rather go back?" he asked.

"No, there is nothing for me there, especially now."

"I have ruined your life?" he asked with concern.

"You have done nothing but save me from facing an irate father, and Earl."

She looked at him turned away, and whirled around and he was right behind her, and suddenly she went into his arms as though it was where she belonged and when she looked up at him, his head bent, and his lips touched hers.

His lips were soft, full of fire and she couldn't help but move hers to meet him. The kiss went on for a long time, both of them giving to each other something more powerful than anything she'd ever experienced. She smelled his male scent. She felt the powerful arms that held her, and the softness of his lips again. She couldn't breathe and she didn't want to. She wanted the kiss to go on forever, until her soul united with his and took away all the fears. His heartbeat was strong, and his chest came against hers and she was lost in the kiss.

When they broke apart, he almost shoved her away. His glance was as stunned as hers.

Tears sprang to her eyes, but she didn't know why. The kiss was beautiful, it filled her hollow soul. It brought life and hope into her heart once more.

"Go to sleep Lissa." He whispered.

She nodded woodenly. If her kisses were as good as he said, why was he never effected by them. Why was he angry when he pushed her away?

The next morning, she was quiet, and she ate without conversation. He stared at her, knowing she didn't understand him.

"We've got to go, make some time, we will be there soon."

"Oh, yes, of course." She nodded, touching her lips to see if they were still hers.

Chapter Five

They traveled for a long time until dark and he shot a couple more rabbits for their supper. He shot them with his bow and arrow that he carried over his shoulder with the blanket. It made little noise.

"You are probably getting tired of rabbit, but there is no time to look for a bigger meal. It would take too much time and effort to clean them and cook them."

"Rabbit is fine, it is a good clean meat."

When they stopped, he still hadn't said much to her, and he made the fire and a spit to roast the rabbits on.

As the rabbits cooked, he went to stare out at the horizon, trying to think of something to say to her. He had no explanations for his actions. He should say something. But what? He enjoyed both kisses, he wanted them, needed them. But he could not tell her that. She was white and she would soon go into the white world and find another. He could not hold her. She wasn't his.

Still, the words didn't come to explain his actions, and he knew she was waiting for him to react first.

The silence was unbearable.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, she was turning the spit and staring out like a lost puppy. His heart turned over in his chest.

Finally, he firmed his lips and nodded his head. "I am sorry. I should never have allowed that to happen back there."

"What are you talking about?"

He frowned and stared, "The kiss of course."

"Oh, that. I'd forgotten it."

"Had you?" his head twisted to stare at her with an air or arrogance.

"Of course, I mean, you’re a man, and I'm a woman and it was bound to happen. We're under a lot of pressure, and not ourselves, right?" she looked

into his eyes. "It sort of broke the tension, wouldn't you say."

How could she explain it so easily when he hadn't a clue how to talk about it?