Page 20 of Guilty as Sin

She admitted. "I suppose in time you do get used to all the sounds."

He stared at her, "I will not let anyone, or anything harm you, Lady." He told her. "The country is my home, I fear none of it. It is man that we have to fear." He reminded her gently.

"You keep calling me Lady." she corrected. "Are you afraid to call me by my name?"

"No, not afraid. Just trying to be respectful."

"I know why you are doing it."

"You do?"

"Yes, you don't wish to be too familiar. That's another reason I trust you. You do not assume anything."

"You are a wise one." He noted with admiration.

"I'm a schoolteacher. An old maid schoolteacher." She frowned. "I'm supposed to know all these things. I just didn't expect it from an Indian."

"I do not understand your thinking. What did you expect?"

"I thought, since you saved me back there, maybe we could be friends."

"What does the old-maid mean? I am not familiar with the term, as you are not old."

"I'm not married, and not likely to be."


"Part of it comes from the fact that schoolteachers are not supposed to be married. There are many restrictions for schoolteachers. To many rules that are outdated, but it is the rule, nonetheless. And being out in the forest on this mountain, with torn clothes in the company of an Indian is certainly not normal for a schoolteacher. I would be quickly dismissed from my job."

"I am sorry, but you chose to come." He reminded her.

"I'm sorry, I apo

logize, it isn't your fault. But I highly doubt I'll ever teach school again." She chortled.

"Perhaps. Go to sleep, we have much traveling to do." He told her. But she was right, she was a lady, yet thinking on her as a lady kept him in his place. She had no idea just how beautiful she was, or how tempting.

She stared at him a long time before she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning, he made coffee and he scouted around then came back to see her sleeping. He nudged her awake. "Better get some food so we can head out."

"Oh, that coffee smells good. I didn't think Indians drank coffee." She smiled as she tied her hair back with a small ribbon from her pocket. It was amazing what she kept in those pockets, he mused.

"Jack drank coffee every morning. It smelled so good I tried it. I like it very much."

She nodded, "So do I."

"Jack put milk and sugar in his." He told her.

"I prefer mine black."

"Me too!" he smiled.

"How old are you Moon?" she asked suddenly.

"I will be thirty soon." He told her. "And you?"

"I'm twenty-two."