Page 2 of Guilty as Sin

"Let go of me," she shouted. "Let go of me Earl, or you'll be sorry, this time." She shouted.

"We've been courting for two years Melissa, and you ain't let me touch you yet." His voice took on a sinister sound. "You know you are my girl. I'm tired of going to the saloons for my needs. After all I need you! And today you will submit. I'm tired of playing around with you, girl. Your gonna give me what I want this time." He slapped her across the cheek, she shrieked.

"Need me? Submit, never!" she shook her head and held her burning cheek, as her anger lingered. Shining Moon saw she fisted her hands again trying to fend him off, he saw her clench her teeth. And one hand reached to her dress pocket.

Shining Moon gathered his bow and arrow, then stuffed his knife in its scabbard. Edging every closer to the couple.

"Not until I get another kiss… Besides," he lifted his head and grinned, "Aren't you curious to how it might feel. They call you Carter's old maid on the mountain." He chuckled now. "They make fun of you all the time because you don't know nothing about men. Well, darlin' I'm about to teach you."

"I don't give a damn what those idiots in the saloon call me." she shouted again, obviously not put out by the title he agave her. "I've got chores to do, now go home. Why are you here so early, anyway?"

"I never left, besides, I want you Melissa, you been playing hard to get for too long." he demanded. This time he reached for the beautiful camisole again. He put his hand on the top of it, trying to feel inside, but she shoved him with all her might away. Her face was flushed, and anger shot from her dark brown eyes.

Shining Moon came out from the stall now and showed himself.

Both of them gasped.

When the man she called Earl heard him, he whipped around, about to draw his gun. "I wouldn't do that." Shining Moon advised his bow and arrow at the ready.

"Who the hell are you?" Earl turned to stare at him, his hand still at her camisole.

"Take your hand away from her, now!" Shining Moon insisted very slowly, his aim at Earl's heart now. "Or you will find out who I am."

"I ain't scared of injuns with your stupid bow and arrows." Earl frowned. He was weaving a bit on his feet.


my girl, I'll do what I want with her, Injun. And you better clear out of here fast or I might just put a hole in you. And if you hang around, I guess you'll get an eyeful." Earl snickered. "I'm gonna be the man that had Carter's Old Maid Schoolteacher." He laughed.

When Earl seemed unaffected by Shining Moon's presence and turned around to run his hand up her skirt, that is when Shining Moon threw down his bow and arrow and physically attacked him.

Earl was shocked when the Indian jumped him. They punched each other and fell to the barn floor, rolling about. Hay went everywhere. The horse stirred. Blood gushed from Earl's nose. He was unable to defend himself well as he was still under the influence of whiskey. After fighting for what seemed like an hour, the Indian produced a knife, "You will not touch her again, my friend."

Earl rolled over, and went still, his eyes shining like glass up at Melissa. Melissa saw the knife protruding from Early's gut. Blood oozed from Earl's body.

Tension filled the room as Melissa turned her gaze on Shining Moon.

She stared at the Indian with pure terror in her eyes.

Earl seemed to go limp, his eyes glassy and staring.

"Is he— dead?" Melissa cried.

Surprised at her question, he shot her a slight smile. "Yes," he stood up now.

She stared down at Earl's lifeless body. "Serves you right!" she cried.

She turned her attention to Shining Moon now, "Who are you? And what are you doing in my barn?" Her voice did not welcome his intrusion, he quickly concluded.

"My name is Shining Moon. And I must leave now."

"Leave, after what you have done? You can't!" she shrieked and glanced down at the man at her feet.

Shining Moon stared intently at the woman. "Do you want to be found in your barn with an Indian, and your dress torn?" He reasoned with such clarity.

She shook her head as though to clear it. "You don't understand! He'll blame me for this… " she cried looking at Earl again. "And I certainly didn't invite you into my barn." Her glance shot back at him quickly.

"Who will blame you?" Shining Moon looked about.