"Well, I hope you find him."
"Well then, we'll have a look around, he could be hiding here." The Lieutenant declared. "Search the place." He ordered his men.
They went through every room. Angus and Pumpkin snuck out the back way and hid under the church. The preacher went about his business.
The Lieutenant stared at the preacher, then walked up to him. "Who did you just marry sir?"
"Why a young fella by the name of Leroy and a girl named Ann. Two good citizens of our community." The Preacher explained.
The Lieutenant eyed him suspiciously then turned to a Corporal. "There's no one else here, sir."
The Lieutenant eyed the preacher. "You didn't have many come to the wedding, did you?"
"No sir, I think there might have been a shotgun behind that young man's head. If you get my meaning."
The Lieutenant seemed aggravated by his answers.
"Tell the men to mount up, we have plenty of other places to search." The Lieutenant yelled at the Corporal.
"Sir, please don't raise your voice in the house of the Lord." The preacher asked nicely.
The Lieutenant frowned, "Of course," he frowned and stared at him.
After they rode off, the Ferguson went up the preacher. "Thanks Evan."
"No thanks needed, I didn't like that young man's attitude."
"I didn't think you'd lie for them though."
"I didn't. Aiden's middle name was Leroy and her middle name was Ann. So, I didn't really lie at all, but I doubt anyone knew that but me at the time. Is he really guilt of treason?"
"No, just guilty of understanding people, is all."
"Well, they looked like a sweet young couple and they sure did look in love."
"That they are." Mrs. Ferguson smiled.
"I wish them well. Looks like they could have a hard time getting started."
"No sir, they won't. We've made sort of an agreement with them, since our kids are so far away and can't be around during our older age, I'm giving them the farm if they help take care of it and see after us in our old age."
The reverend stared at him a long moment then smiled, "Well, I guess you know them pretty well then."
"Yes sir, I do. They are good people. And they'll be part of our community."
"Then for all general purposes, you might ought to have them use their middle names and change the last name for a while."
"That's a good idea, I'll tell them. I have a feeling they are gonna have a long honeymoon, though." He chuckled.
The preacher chuckled too, "Good, might be good idea any ways. I wish them well."
"Thanks, and it was a lovely wedding."
Angus and Pumpkin grabbed a ride on the way home and they all chuckled and talked about the wedding and the angry Lieutenant.
Chapter Twenty