Page 76 of My Captured Heart

Hannah smiled, feeling a happiness she'd never known she wished herself well soon. She'd been married, but yet, it was no marriage. Now, she had found the man of her dreams and her and Lone Wolf would be happy for eternity. At long last her life would be a good life and she looked forward to every day of it.

All the women of the tribe came to visit and talk with her. They felt she had much wisdom and wanted to learn how to be brave like she had been.

But one woman came, Blue Moon and she was not happy. She had seen the marks on Hannah's back and she felt for her. She told her that her husband beat her every day and that she had looked upon a new man. Still, she was married, and she could not marry another. She was miserable.

"How do I live the rest of my life with one I do not love?"

"Leave it to me, I will find a way for you to be happy. I promise."

The woman, Blue Moon left with a smile on her face.

The next night, Hannah spoke with Lone Wolf about her. "Blue Moon is beaten by her husband and wishes to leave him and cleave to another. We must help her."

Lone Wolf nodded slowly, "She is married."

"But he beats her, like Liam beat me."

Lone Wolf knew this problem for some time. His father had done nothing about it, since they were legally married by him. But Lone Wolf had never agreed with his father on this matter, and now Hannah had reached out to her and wanted to help.

"I will speak with him."

"Thank you. I know you will be fair."

Lone Wolf went to Flying Duck that next day. "I have been informed that you beat your wife."

"It is not your concern. She is my wife." Flying Duck told him his scorn for him evident in his manner of speaking.

"It is my concern as she is part of our tribe. Why do you beat her?"

"She is lazy and does not cook my supper soon enough. She sees another brave, I have caught them kissing."

Lone Wolf considered his words and shook his head. "Tonight, we will have a tribal meeting, this beating must stop. She has turned to another only because you treat her so badly."

"Your father never interfered."

"No, but I am not my father. I will not tolerate beatings of any kind unless it is approved by the tribal council."

"What tribal council?" Flying Duck scoffed.

"The one I and my father have made…"

"You threaten me?"

"I tell you the truth. You must come to the tribal council tonight."

"And if I don't?"

"Then we will be forced to come get you."

Lone Wolf walked away, but many others heard him and nodded their approval. Flying Duck went inside his tipi and didn't come out that night.

Lone Wolf told the elders to go get Flying Duck.

They brought him in front of the tribe now. Flying Duck was a big man, with powerful arms. One swipe of either arm could knock a full-grown man down. Lone Wolf could imagine what it might do to a woman. "We have decided among us. You will not beat your wife again, or you will leave this tribe and never come back." One elder informed him.

"You cannot do this!" Flying Duck shouted. "Gray Eye is the chief, and he has not said this."

"Gray Eye is ill and as his son and next in line to be chief I must do something about this. I elected this council to sit in judgement until my father is well again." Lone Wolf announced.