Page 85 of My Captured Heart

"To make Hannah miserable. But do not fear, I see now why you sent her on her way. She is a tramp."

"Yes, I'm afraid you are right."

"She won't be at the wedding, I threatened to cut off her leg, if she came."

"Why, thank you cousin, it pleases me that you could see through her so easily."

"I have not seen many Indian maidens like her."

"I'm not sure she's even a maiden, if you get what I mean."

Red Hawk nodded.

"Little Feather took up for Hannah and was glad I sent Luki away."

Lone Wolf smiled, "They have become good friends."

"I am glad. Now, how was Gray Eye tonight?"

"He's very weak, the coughing is worse. He won't last much longer." Lone Wolf said with sadness.

"I am sorry, my friend. I will visit with him tomorrow after the wedding. I would like his blessing also to court Little Feather. Perhaps I will stay for a while. I want to be here if something happens to Gray Eye. He is my Uncle and I love him dearly. He has been a good chief for many years."

"I'm sure he'll give his permission about Little Feather. And he'll be very glad to see you." Lone Wolf smiled. "His spirit is good though, he says he's happy to be going to the Creator now and will join his beloved there, my mother. I am glad he is not angry or hurt."

"He has lived a long and lustrous life. With little regrets as he is an honest man."

"Yes, you are right."

"When you can, I'd like you to come up and see me in the north country for a while. Just come in the summer when it is not so cold."

"I will make a point of it." He smiled at him. "Hannah is so glad you came. She said we are very alike."

"She is a very beautiful woman, and very, very brave. The likes of which I have not seen before. You should be proud, my cousin."

"Yes, and hopefully now, we can make a very happy life together."

"I wish it for you."

"Thank you."

"Are you nervous about getting married?"

"No, anxious is more like it."

Red Hawk laughed heartily, "What a rascal you are my cousin. Good for you! Tomorrow will be a great day…" Red Hawk declared as he laid down on his pallet.

"Yes…. Yes, it will."

Chapter Twenty-Two

There was much preparation of food and rejoicing at the wedding. Gray Eye was brought out on a travois, so he could see the goings on.

Gifts were placed around him.

An elder prepared for the fire ceremony. But fist Hannah bathed to wash away impurities and start fresh in life. Then she was dressed, and Black Feather and Little Feather prepared her.

"You are so beautiful, Hannah." Black Feather reflected.