Page 82 of My Captured Heart

"You are the woman who tries to seduce my cousin, are you not?"

"Lone Wolf is a fool to want a white woman, a woman with scars." She snarled her nose. "But I can see you are not like him, in that regard."

"Perhaps you would have better luck, seducing your own people, rather than ours." Red Hawk's smiled.

"Perhaps," she smiled, coming closer to him now. "but my people offer no challenge, all the men of my tribe want me for their wife. Do you not see my charms?"

His glance slid to her leg once more, "I see your offering, but Arapaho men seek more than the flesh of a woman."

"More, what else is there?" she asked reaching to touch his chest.

"We seek the heart. Run along now Luki, you have no business here," he pushed her away.

She snapped like a turtle, "You are like your cousin, stupid… "

"And you are like a viper, wicked…" He told her, "Run along, tomorrow my cousin marries, and if you are there, I might slice off that leg you offer."

She fumed with anger, her teeth gritting at his arrogance.

"You are not welcome at the wedding, Luki, now leave us and do not come back."

Luki stomped away, looking back over her shoulder sending him a torrid glance.

Little Feather had seen and heard and came up to him, "Thank you… " she said simply and started to walk away, but his words stopped her.

"For what?"

She seemed to study her words for the right answer. "She has hurt Hannah with her words many times. I do not wish for her to be hurt any longer. Hannah has suffered more than most women do in a lifetime. She is a good and pure woman and deserves to be the wife of Lone Wolf." Little Feather said boldly.

"I hear sadness in your words, even though you speak proudly of your friend Hannah." Red Hawk stared at her.

"I have come to love her; our whole tribe embraces her. She has earned that love, many times."

"And you, who takes your hand and walks with you in the moonlight?" his sexy lips curled into a warm and inviting smile as he looked upon her. That look was different than how he looked at Luki, she saw this.

"No one," she bowed her head.

He came up to her, and beamed a smile at her again, "Perhaps you would not mind so much if I walked with you in the moonlight, then?"

Little Feather stared, her mouth open with shock, "I will walk with you… "

"Good, I would enjoy your company on such a beautiful night." He wrapped an arm around her and they walked along the creek banks.

"No man has found your heart?" He asked.

"No… " she answered simply.

"You think a lot of Lone Wolf, don't you?" He asked softly when they stopped to stare into the moonlit creek.

"Yes…, he is my friend, and will be a great chief."

"But there is more in your heart?" He asked.

She turned away.

He came up to her and turned her chin around, "Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places, with your heart. Lone Wolf is much taken with his bride to be. But you… must look further."

"Where do you come from?" she asked, something stirring within her as he touched her.