Page 74 of My Captured Heart

"I would think so; the wolves were hollering greatly that night as we left them."

"Then I'm free?" she asked.

"You are." He smiled.

"Then I want to marry you as soon as we can." She told him.

"When you heal, we will be married."

She looked at him with question, "Do my scars make you think twice about marrying me?"

"No, they are like battle scars, I respect each one, and I smile that you can wear them as a badge of your courage which the whole tribe has seen for themselves. You have earned everyone's respect and love."

"But Luki… she is much prettier than I? Her back is not scarred." Hannah cried. "My back must look awful."

"No, she has no beauty in her soul. My people will be your people now and you will be the wife of the chief. They are all proud of your bravery and love you!" He told her.

"And you… do you love me?" She waited for his answer with bated breath.

He chuckled. "I hunger to be with you. More than the stars in the sky, I love you with every breath I take… " He declared. "I cannot wait to take you as my wife."

She tried to move to look into his face, but the pain made her falter.

"Are you in much pain?" He asked as she made a small face when she moved.

"Only when I move." She laughed.

"You must heal well now. As our wedding night will be one of much love making." He smiled sexily at her.

She blushed. "Then I will surely hurry and heal well." She smiled.

"You are not afraid?"

"Of you? Now why should I be? I have never known such a feeling as you have given me. I will rejoice."

"Because I intend to make love with you all night long, in every way possible. I will sing songs of your beauty and bravery, and I will give you my heart… I will be like David in the bible."

"You read that did you, from the bible?"

She reached for his hand. "And I will give you my heart too."

He bent to kiss her then he left.

She didn't understand why he left so abruptly, and Black Feather informed her quickly.

"He desires you and must control that desire. So, he leaves you."

"But I desire him too!"

she admitted.

Black Feather laughed, "Yes, but your body does not show it. His does."

"Oh!" Hannah smiled shyly. "Is it shameful to love this much?"

"I do not believe the Creator frowns on love, only on hate."

"With Liam I was afraid all the time. Especially when he climbed upon me."