Page 66 of My Captured Heart

"No, why?"

"Well, we could dump her in the prairie and let her die out there. No one would know, and you wouldn't be blamed for it." But insisted. "We could just say she probably tried to escape them Indians and died out there."

"That's not a bad idea. When did you get so smart?" Liam chuckled. "That's a damned good idea, Burt." Liam agreed. "Let's drink up and go dump her out there, somewhere far from town or civilization. No one would know, and no one could blame me."

"Yeah, it's perfect." Burt chuckled.

Hannah tried to stir, but it was way too painful now. The open wounds on her back were not treated, and as the blood dried, it made it hard to move without breaking them open once more. She closed her eyes as she heard them coming. They could not know she was awake.

"Burt go bring the wagon around, I'll carry her out there and we'll get this done before anyone knows a thing about it. Won't be my fault. We can blame it on the Indians."

"Could stir up a war," Burt warned.

Liam looked at his friend. "Well, we won't say nothing, just let them draw their own conclusions."

"But a war?"

"Then we got reason to kill them dirty rotten Indians."

Burt nodded, "You're right. I'll get the wagon."

Liam walked into the bedroom and stared down at her on the bed. "It's a crying shame that you couldn't love me girl. I might have been good to you then. And you wanting to stay with the Indians cinched whatever I felt for you girl. You don't deserve no better than this. You probably already laid with them Indians. That's just too bad."

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the wagon, laying her in the bed of it as they drove off. The way he threw her in the wagon hurt beyond belief, breaking most of the wounds open again. She felt the blood running down her back. She hurt so bad she couldn't even scream.

Every bump they hit made the hot steel of pain shoot through her like a dagger. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her body was so rattled with pain she thought she'd die befo

re they got there.

They must have traveled a good twenty miles before they turned her loose on the prairie. It was nearly dark now and they'd be late getting back. They heard the howl of wolves and Burt smiled. "Could be, nature will take care of her now."

Liam nodded.

Liam scooted her off the wagon, and she fell to the ground in a loud thump. This time her lip bled from keeping silent. They wasted no time, they took off at a run in the wagon.

Hannah knew she was going to die, and the only comfort she had was that Lone Wolf loved her, she had at long last found love, only to have lost to death. Still she remembered him taking her, and how gentle he was with her. She was glad she had been with him now. For now, she knew what real love was. And she cherished it.

Her body was racked with pain now and to move was to die a thousand deaths. She moaned raggedly. She heard the wolves and she prayed to God, "Please, let it be fast. Let me die of my wounds before they come for me."

She felt one tear roll down her cheek and she closed her eyes.

But the wolves didn't come. And after a while she laid there so still, she thought she had died. When an eye popped open, she glanced around and began to pull herself against the earth. It would be a long journey and she would probably die, but she'd try. She lay there for what felt like hours, moving only a couple of feet in all that time. But when she had the strength, she pulled herself a little further. She would try to get back to Lone Wolf. She had a wedding to get to, she told herself.


When Liam and Burt got home though they were shocked to find two Indians standing in the kitchen of the cabin after they put the wagon away.

"What do you want?" Liam demanded to know. He tried to pull his gun, but Lone Wolf jerked his arm and twisted it.

"Where is Hannah?" Lone Wolf grit his teeth to ask.

"She ain't here."

"I can see that, where is she?"

"How would I know, she's been gone for months now." He told him.

"There is blood on the bed, where is she?" Lone Wolf demanded.