"Yes, and very fair. We must continue to be so."
The elders agreed. "Then I will charge the five of you to be the council for our people. You will sit in judgement when something is not right with our people."
They all agreed, and he sat with them for many hours talking of laws and rights and wrongs. They came to agreement on most all issues and they agreed to sit in judgement." I will carry out your judgements." He told them.
They agreed with that also.
"Will you await his death to be our new chief."
"Yes, as he rules as long as he lives."
"It is good. We agree."
Lone Wolf was proud of his accomplishments and told Hannah about them that evening. She was sitting outside his lodge, grinding corn to make meal. She looked up when he came near.
"We are making a council who will make laws for our people. Fair laws that I must enforce, it is the will of my father."
"That is a fair way to handle it, I agree." She smiled. "My husband will be a wise leader for his people."
He smiled, but the way he looked at her was filled with desire. "You have much confidence in me?"
"Always." She smiled.
"Is your dress ready for the ceremony?" He asked.
"Almost, it is so beautiful. I cannot wait for you to see it."
"My father is anxious for us to marry."
"I am glad." She smiled. Unable to take her eyes off him. "H-he has been like the father I have always wanted. He's so kind and gentle with me. I was afraid of him at first because he wanted you to marry Luki."
"That was before he knew you!"
"I know. I respect that. I realize it would have brought the two tribes together, but I don't know if that would be good or bad."
"Father predicts we will have a son. He has had a vision." Lone Wolf smiled at her as she kept grinding corn now. The grinding matched the slow growing ache in her body as her glance swept him again. Her eyes went from his head to his toe in one quick sweep and she blushed as she stopped to admire his wide chest, lean hips and back to his very soft lips.
She stopped, "I hope I can give you that son… "
"It does not matter, I love you so much, you will keep my heart content." He didn't shy away from her this time, he came closer.
She smiled, but he could tell he worried her. He stopped her grinding and pulled her up. She lay the grinding bowl down and looked up at him with such admiration.
He reached to put his hands on each side of her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. His glance going over her thoroughly stopping at her pink moist lips. "We will be as one forever."
Then he kissed her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. The way he held her, his very nearness, made her heart spin. The fact that he did not hide his love from his people made her heart swell.
Ripples of excitement skidded up and down her arms as he touched her. His kisses ignited such a fire, she wanted him so badly her belly ached to be closer, ever closer to him. "Forgive me," she went inside his tent, her back to him. He came toward her with a purpose.
"Have I upset you?"
"No," she whirled around to look at him. "It's just when you kiss me like that, in front of all who might watch, well… I want to be with you so badly…" she cried. "I should feel shame, but I don't. Only a longing… "
He took her in his arms and kissed her softly, raising his head to stare into her eyes. "Do you think I do not feel the same. It is painful to wait so long to make you mine," he whispered, his lips going over her face, then he kissed a long line down her neck, slowly, pushing her hair aside, he nibbled, his lips caressing her. She leaned away so he could kiss more. He turned her against him and his hand came up to cup one breast and she gasp as he gently squeezed her there, his kisses still caressing her neck, as he raised her hair once more. His lips burned into her skin, a delicious burn that set her on fire. "To look upon you there, would be heaven." He whispered, as his thumb caressed the hard nub of her nipple that protruded against her dress like hard pebbles. There was no way to hide her own arousal now.
"It is not good to wait with you, for I see the love and desire in your eyes. And I feel the same. We must come together Hannah, now…"
"Yes… " she cried.