Page 41 of My Captured Heart

She couldn't dismiss her marriage, for it was legal. And yet, her heart said something much different and she knew it.

"Do you believe in the vision?" Hannah asked her watching her facial expression.

"Yes, the Great Spirit sent it. Do not let your heart be troubled, Hannah. For it speaks the truth. I am glad you have become one of us. And I am glad the Great Spirit has found you. Lone Wolf had been a very lonely young man. No Indian woman found his heart. It wasn't to be. Even Gray Eye sees what is in your heart. He has said so."

"He has… " Hannah gasped. "Does everyone think and see that?"

Black Feather smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "You wear it in your eyes. Love is something you cannot disguise, Hannah. It comes from within."

"But if Liam ever catches him…with me, he will kill him. And I would be at fault."

"Then we must make sure he never catches him or you."

Chapter Eleven

It had been a good hunt, and the tribe was happy. Lone Wolf came back to the tipi and Hannah saw him. She couldn't stop the smile on her lips. She was always glad to see him.

"It was a good hunt," he told her. "I got two wild turkeys, a deer and some rabbit."

"I am glad."

"What have you been doing today?" He asked her.

She presented him with a wicker basket she had woven. "Sweet Water taught me how to do it. Do you like it?"

He looked at the basket, it was not a perfect basket, but it was her first attempt and she was so proud, he smiled into her face, "It is good you learn quickly."

"It was fun. I know it isn't as good as Sweet Water, nor Black Feather. But I will get better at it. When I saw them making baskets I asked to help? She taught me, and I love it."

His smile faded, "It would seem you are adapting well to our Indian ways."

"You should see the one Black Feather made, it is beautiful. Beyond compare. Perhaps someday I can make one as beautiful." She beamed, coming closer and putting a hand on his arm.

He glanced at her hand, "Then it has been a good day for us both."

"Did you kill lizards?" she asked playfully.

He shot her a comical glance, "No, I didn't waste my time on the lizards."

"You found deer here?" she got excited.

"I doubt they are plentiful, but yes, today I found one."

Her hand hadn't moved, and he looked at it again.

Her smile faded, "Is something wrong?"

She saw he was looking at her hand on his arm and she moved away from him quickly. Backing up a little.

"Will you skin them and clean them for me?"

"Yes, of course." She followed him outside, wondering why it had upset him that she touched him.

She presumed too much, and it embarrassed her. Just because he treated her nice, did not mean anything except he was a good and kind man. She was putting too much thought into his actions.

Perhaps he did think her like Luki!

He showed her the pile of his hunt and she got busy. She glanced at him several times, but he was not looking at her. Had she displeased him? Had she assumed too much? Perhaps he was embarrassed by her touches. She didn't know what upset him so. And he wasn't telling her, it would seem.