Page 19 of My Captured Heart

"What's that?"

"White men see you in our camp, it would be bad for you and for us. So, you must hide yourself when white men venture in. Do you understand this?"

"Yes, I think I do. They would take me away, and I would have to go back to my husband. I do not want to go back there, ever. I will learn what you teach, and I can survive."

"It is good you have figured that out." He snickered.

"I am not addle-brained. It's just I had nowhere to go, no money to survive on. I will hide. And I figured it out long ago but have not been able to do anything about it. The townspeople are afraid of Liam. They would not help me escape. I saved money to get away, but he found it. There was no hope of escape. At least not until you came."

"Good. When you are ready, if you want to be released, I will let you go. But at least by then you will know how to take care of yourself." He told her.

"Why would you be so generous?" She looked skeptically at him. "I'm white, you’re a breed, don't you hate me?"

"No, why should I. We are at peace and must learn to live together."

"I don't understand you."

"The Great Spirit says we are to wed. But if you truly do not want this, then I must protect and teach you the ways to survive, for you are innocent of ways."

"I guess you are right about that. But how did you know. How do you know so much about me, and I know nothing of you?"

"I have watched you for some time. A trapped bird knows how to fly and escapes. But you do not know how to fly, so you stayed with him. It is that simple. You were wise because to leave before you know what to expect could lead to death." He stared down at her, he was very close.

"I guess you are right."

"You smile now. You have a nice smile… I don't think I ever saw you smile."

She glanced up and realized how close they were.

His smile faded just a little, "You tremble. Do not be afraid of me, as I will never hurt you."

She nodded but was silent.

Then she murmured, "Thank you… I'm not afraid, at least not of you."

His smile returned. "I am glad."

Chapter Six

Hannah didn't know what to think of such a man. What he offered her was freedom, in time. And a way to take care of herself once she was free. How could he be so generous? She'd never known a man such as him. But then, she knew few Indians and none well.

He took her by the hand and they went further into the forest area. He began teaching her immediately. He taught her how to recognize when an animal had been close, like deer, or elk from the indentions they made in the earth. He pointed them out. He took her hand and put it to the ground. "It is still warm; the deer was here this morning early."

Her eyes sparkled at the knowledge.

He showed her where the imprint in the dirt was, how it was a hoofed animal and that it was a deer and elk would be much bigger. She felt in complete awe. Why had she never seen this? Did white people simply play less attention to nature?

He taught her to track his footstep. Making a complete track from the creek bed to the camp. She followed the tracks and was smiling when she made it to the camp without help.

Then he showed her how to step into his footstep when she didn't want to be detected.

He taught her how to recognize different animals, which to approach and which not to. It was a lot to take in, but Hannah was fascinated, and she learned quickly.

Her mother and father were not great teachers. Her husband could have cared less except for her work at the store. Liam had taught her about the store, but he taught her nothing about how to live and manage. Perhaps it wasn't Liam's place to teach her, but if he had, she would have had some kind of feeling for him.

"In time you will remember this, and it will keep you from harm. I will teach you later how to trap small animals for cooking on an open fire. It will be important for you when you are on your own."

"Do most Indian women know all these things?" she asked.