It was noon the next day when they finally reached the Indian village. The people gathered around them, as Chase introduced his wife and Burning Tree first, then his mother, his father the chief and so many others.
Hattie came in front of Katherine shyly. “I’m so very glad to meet you.”
Katherine opened her arms and hugged Hattie, tears in her eyes. “Oh Hattie, you are finally here. I am so happy to meet you and your family. We will become great friends…”
Hattie smiled, her face transforming like sunshine. “You’re right Lee, Texas is big and beautiful, and so are its people.”
Burning Tree stood tall and intimidating in front of Lee and Hattie. “We have much to talk about, much to do. All in time. We will celebrate and you, like Chase, may not see your woman for three days before you marry.”
“Three days…but…”
Chase laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you busy building a proper cabin for your family.”
Katherine and Chase’s mother invited Hattie and the girls to join them in the camp.
Sam glanced around wondering if he might make friends easily here. But he didn’t have to wonder long. A young Indian girl spotted him and smiled. Sam smiled back.
“That’s Running Bird; she likes you. She isn’t spoken for either,” a young Indian brave came forward. The boy was a year or so older than Sam but didn’t acknowledge an age difference. Instead, he invited him to join the other young men of the tribe in a game of some kind of stick ball. Sam didn’t hesitate to exercise his sore muscles.
Three Indian children came up to the girls. “This is for you…” they choired.
They held out three Indian dolls for the girls.
“How did you know we…I mean, how could she know how many…?”
“Burning Tree knows everything. He held counsel and told us who and what to expect. You can come play with us if your mother approves…”
Hattie spotted the girls and saw the excitement in their faces. “Go on, make friends.”
Katherine reached out her hand to her. “I am sure you are tired from the long journey. I will make you tea that will perk you up and make you feel much better.”
Hattie’s eyes widened. “Oh, don’t go to no trouble.”
“No trouble.” Katherine smiled. “I hope Chase told you how happy I am that you came with Lee.”
“Lee spoke so highly of you.” Hattie squeezed her hand.
Lee, Chase and Joe walked about the camp and Chase pointed out certain places of interest. He showed them where the spring water was, then took them to his cabin. After they had seen all the work Chase did on his place, he took him out back and showed him where they would build a home for Lee and his family.
“I’ll pay you for this land, Chase,” Lee insisted.
“No, my friend. You cannot do that. This land belongs to God and God does not charge us for it. And…we might have to move at some point too. It is often the custom to move about when there is distensions of any kind. Not that I expect any, but we do not know how long the government will let us stay here. Most of the people live on reservations now.”
Lee nodded. “I can understand that…but how will I repay all this kindness?”
“By respecting the animals and only killing what you can eat. By nurturing the earth and replenishing it as it’s meant to be. By making no war on people and living in peace. That is the repayment.”
“We can do that.” Joe nodded his appreciation too.
“Good. Now come, Burning Tree will speak with you both for a while. We will eat, and sleep and then begin to build.”
“Sounds good. Tell me something, did you and Katherine ever find the gold?” Lee asked, staring at his friend.
“Yes, we did. Thanks to your letter.”
“Well, what did you do with it?”
Chase folded his arms over his chest and glanced about. “Well, we contemplated keeping it, for just a while. But we turned it in to the Sheriff. He wired the bank it came from and they returned it to the rightful owners.”