“You have no idea how long I’ve prayed for this day,” Eden said, emotion thick in her voice. “Guy was so lost as a young boy. My mother and father took him in. He was every bit as much their son as my two older brothers, Raid and Ryker. My family is the only family Guy has ever known.”

She turned and beamed at the rest of KGI, and they all groaned. She turned back to Honor, a smug smile on her face.

“They’re just pissed because Guy is my family and now KGI is my family, which makes Guy and KGI family. A fact that neither are particularly thrilled about. But they’ll get over it,” she said cheerfully. “Especially now that you’re here. You’re going to change Guy’s life.”

“She’s already changed it,” Conrad said, speaking up for the first time.

The other members of KGI scowled at Conrad as if only just remembering he’d accompanied Honor. Honor scowled just as fiercely at them.

“Don’t you ever look at him like that. He’s my family and Guy is going to be my family, which will make Eden family and by proxy you as well. Therefore Conrad is now also your family.”

Conrad looked poleaxed. His look of astonishment was comical. KGI just chuckled, and she heard mutters about women ruling the world.

“I know you’re in a hurry, so I won’t delay you any longer,” Eden said to Honor. “Guy is at my father’s house with my two brothers, and according to them, he’s been in such a black mood ever since he arrived that they’re ready to murder him in his sleep.”

Honor looked to Sam, her heart in her throat, and his entire gaze softened.

“Will you take me to him?” she asked hesitantly.

Sam closed the short distance between them and enfolded her in a hug. “Of course, sweetheart. Just as soon as the jet can be fueled and ready to go.”

Then he turned and grinned at his brothers. “So who wants to go witness the greatest takedown ever known to mankind?”

A chorus of whoops, hooyahs and oorahs exploded through the room, and Honor looked at Sam with even more bewilderment. Were they all crazy?

He smiled. “Don’t mind us. We’ve waited a long damn time for Hancock to prove he’s goddamn human after all.”

He turned to Eden. “Call your father, honey, and tell him to sit on Hancock and not to let him out of his sight until we get there.”

Then he barked a series of orders so they could be in the air in no more than a half an hour.

•   •   •

BIG Eddie Sinclair got off the phone and turned to his sons, Raid and Ryker.

“That was Eden,” he said in a puzzled voice. “She wants us to sit on Hancock and make sure he goes absolutely nowhere until she gets here. She says she has the cure for what ails him.”

“Well, thank fuck someone does,” Raid said darkly. “I’ve had all the self-loathing and pity a man can take.”

“A-fucking-men,” Ryker said in a fervent voice.


EDEN led the way to the front door of her family’s home. It was a good thing dusk had fallen, because there was no way they wouldn’t have drawn attention with over twenty badass operatives trailing Honor, Eden and Swanny, who never left his wife’s side.

The door opened before Eden could even knock, and standing in the doorway was a man Honor assumed was her father and her two older brothers. Guy’s family.

The three men’s gaze swept from Swanny to Eden and then finally settled on Honor, shock reflecting in their eyes.

The older brother shook his head. “No way,” he murmured.

“No fucking way,” his younger brother agreed.

Eden’s father smiled when before his features had been etched with worry and grief. He suddenly looked younger, the deep grooves easing as he stared at Honor.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” he said in an awed tone. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

It just pissed Honor off and she put both hands on her hips, glaring down the male members of Eden’s family.

“What is wrong with you people? Treating Guy like he’s not human or capable of humanity. I don’t know which is worse. Him believing himself to be lacking a soul or his family believing it.”

Eden’s brothers burst into laughter, but her father’s entire grizzled face softened. He took the two steps toward Honor and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug that had her holding back. She might have disguised her pregnancy well, but a hug that hard would reveal the taut baby bump she carried.

“Welcome to the family, my dear. We’ve waited a very long time for someone like you to turn Hancock’s world upside down. My name is Eddie and these are my sons, Raid and Ryker.” He pointed to indicate who was who.

And then as if just noticing the horde of burly men standing several feet behind Eden, Swanny and Honor, Eden’s father gave his daughter an inquisitive look.

“Eden? Who are all these people in my front yard?”

“Oh, they’re here to witness Guy’s downfall,” Eden said cheerfully. “It’s dark so you can’t see them, but they’re KGI.”

“Nathan? Joe?” Ryker asked as he stepped in front of his dad to see who all had accompanied Eden and Honor.

Eddie’s face lightened in recognition as he saw the rest of his son-in-law’s team step forward to greet the Sinclairs.

Skylar was forcibly hugged by Eddie and Ryker while Zane exchanged handshakes with the men.