Jost stands next to me and carefully sneaks me a few more bites as the girls continue with their prep. Soon the gnawing hunger evaporates, and I find myself enjoying the light touch of my aestheticians expertly curling my hair and massaging cream onto my legs. With a full belly, I don’t even notice I’m tired until Valery’s irritated cough rouses me from an impromptu nap.

‘We’re ready to dress you,’ she says.

I nod and look around the room for Jost, but he must have left when I fell asleep.

‘He’s not here,’ Valery tells me as she helps me step into the cool satin gown.

‘I’m sorry?’ I ask.

‘Jost,’ she says, and it’s clear from her voice that she doesn’t buy my innocent act. ‘A valet? When you could have someone like Erik?’

‘Or Cormac?’ her assistant offers as she zips me up.

‘I really don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I say, but I can feel my cheeks growing hot.

‘Oh stop it or you’ll ruin your cosmetics.’ Valery laughs. ‘Don’t get the wrong idea. He’s very good-looking for a valet. His eyes are as blue as Erik’s, but he’s . . .’

I give her a drop-it look, and she holds out a bracelet, which I cuff onto my wrist.

‘It’s probably for the best,’ her assistant continues. ‘Cormac goes through the ladies pretty quickly, and Erik . . .’

I can’t help but turn to listen to what she has to say about him.

‘He’s Maela’s.’ Valery finishes the thought.

‘Good thing I’m not interested in any of them,’ I say, but I keep my eyes on the mirror.

In the reflection, I spy Valery and the girl exchange meaningful looks.

‘Sure, honey.’ But when her assistant goes to retrieve more of my adornments, Valery drops her lips to my ear and whispers, ‘Take the happiness you can, even if it’s only a little.’

Valery straightens up as soon as the girl re-enters with my necklace, but her words lodge themselves in my head. Watching her movements in the mirror, lithe and purposeful without a trace of resentment for her assignment, I hope she’s happy and wish I could be.

‘So exactly what’s on the agenda tonight?’ I ask Erik when he meets me at the door.

‘Well, you looking beautiful for one thing,’ he says, and I have to hold myself back from laughing.

‘Does that stuff work with the other girls?’ I ask, barely containing my amusement.

‘Yeah,’ he says, grinning widely. ‘How are you so immune to my charms?’

‘Years of segregation,’ I say, letting myself smile a little.

‘That usually works in my favour,’ he admits in a whisper as Cormac exits his room to meet us.

It’s not that I don’t like Erik. I even think he’s charming. Maybe it’s my years of inexperience with boys that make his flirtations more awkward than endearing.

‘You look lovely, Adelice,’ Cormac says, taking my hand. He ushers me out to the waiting motocarriage. I wobble on my high pinpoint heels as I step out of the hotel, but Erik’s hand shoots out to steady me. Before I can thank him, he’s faded back behind me

. Stream crews call out questions, but I can’t see past the perpetual flashes of light from their cameras. I press closer to Cormac for safety despite his stinging smell. Part of me wishes I had a few doses of Valpron right now to make the whole thing easier, but I suppose it’s for the best that I don’t. I’m going to need to keep my wits about me if I’m going to get through the evening without making a serious social blunder.

Cormac beams and calls many of the crewmen by name. He answers questions, keeping his arm tightly around my waist the whole time. Once we’re safely inside the motocarriage, I pull out of his grasp and run my hand along my dress to smooth out the wrinkles where he held me.

‘Can’t wait to get away from me?’ he asks, his dark eyes gone hard.

‘I’m overwhelmed,’ I admit.

‘Don’t worry about it,’ he reassures me, lighting a cigar. ‘We’re doing a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony, a few pictures, and then back to the hotel.’