‘That’s sort of condescending. Telling me only what you think I’m ready to hear,’ I point out, annoyed as much by it as by his lack of transparency.

‘I thought it was endearing, me looking out for you.’ He grins, and the mood in the dark cell lightens again.

‘Are you trying to endear yourself to me?’

‘I have a thing for traitors.’

‘How do you know I’m a traitor anyway?’ I ask. ‘Maybe everyone is wasting their time worrying about me.’

‘You’re in the cells for the second time in a week and you’re still alive.’ He squints against the dark as if to get a clearer look at my face. ‘Either Maela is breaking in her new pet, or you’ve got something they want.’

‘Like an attitude?’

‘Maela is all stocked up on that.’ He snorts. ‘If you could lie low and not draw so much attention to yourself, we might actually be able to find out, Adelice.’

‘See, that’s our problem,’ I point out.

‘What? Your inability to keep a low profile?’ he asks.

‘No, the fact that I don’t even know your name. How am I supposed to trust you?’

‘Josten.’ He smiles all the way up through his eyes. ‘But traitors call me Jost.’

‘Nice to meet you, Jost.’ I stretch out a hand and immediately regret it because the change in position makes me shiver.

‘Here.’ He shrugs off a simple, threadbare jacket and wraps it around me. ‘Unfortunately, I’ll have to take that when I go. It wouldn’t do for anyone to see me giving gifts to the prisoners. It might detract from my low profile.’

The jacket is soft and smells like woodsmoke and cut lavender. I nod, grateful for its warmth if only for a few moments.

‘You shouldn’t be here,’ I say. ‘They’re probably watching me.’

‘The good news is that they don’t bother to keep an eye on the cells. Poor light, stone walls – what’s the point?’ He gestures around us. ‘The bad news is that you’re right. They’re definitely keeping tabs on you.’

‘So why are you here then? What help can I be to you if I’m already under suspicion?’

‘That’s true, but no one comes down here, so it’s easy enough for us to chat if you keep getting thrown in the cell,’ he points out.

‘Of course,’ I agree. ‘But that won’t really help me lie low now, will it?’

‘Yep, it’s a no-win situation,’ he says. ‘I’m actually only here today because Erik had lapdog duties.’

‘Erik sent you?’

‘The pretty blond that just threw you in here.’

‘I know who he is, and he is pretty, but why send you now?’

‘It’s my job to keep the Spinsters happy and fed, so pretty boy sent me. Sorry to disappoint you, but please tell me you have better taste than him.’

‘I’m not marrying him. He’s just well-groomed,’ I assure Jost. ‘But lapdogs usually are.’

‘Case in point.’ Jost fingers the hem of my tailored skirt.

‘I think I’m failing at being a lapdog.’

‘Yes, you are,’ he says. ‘So I’ll remind you of my earlier advice: play dumb.’

‘That’s easier said than done.’