I shake my head, reeling from the sting of her betrayal. ‘Ask her,’ I practically spit at them.

‘Let me rephrase that,’ Cormac says in a measured tone. ‘Do it or I’ll kill him right now, and then I’ll rip your precious sister.’

One of the guards removes a thick black club and presses a button on it, sending steel spikes shooting out from the top. He holds it over Jost. My eyes meet Jost’s, and he shakes his head slightly. But this isn’t about us any more. We have to protect Amie and Sebrina.

The whole room must hear my heart racing now, but I speak slowly, careful to stay calm. ‘Fine,’ I agree.

Erik drops his grip on my arm, and I walk to the loom. Running my fingers over it, I frown. ‘It’s not here,’ I announce, turning past Loricel to speak to Cormac.

‘What do you mean?’ he asks. ‘Loricel, where is it?’

Loricel knits her eyebrows, and she leans in towards the loom. ‘I must have put it back in the wrong spot.’

Cormac pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut. ‘This,’ he says with a sigh, ‘is why I need you, Adelice.’

He mutters something that sounds a lot like ‘incompetence’ under his breath and motions for Maela to join him. ‘Go com Dr Ellysen—’

‘Ambassador, he’s already off-compound for the evening,’ Pryana interrupts his order, standing at a companel. Maela glares over at her.

‘Then,’ Cormac snaps, ‘call him in and tell him to prep the remap. I’m not putting this off an hour longer. If she won’t do what’s best for Arras, then she doesn’t deserve a second chance.’

‘Yes, sir,’ Pryana says.

‘Yes, let’s just finish this up and have her transplanted all at once. And, Pryana,’ he adds, ‘tell him to prep for Adelice’s remap in the morning.’

I whirl towards him. ‘Who are you remapping tonight?’ I demand.

‘I’m going to miss your attitude,’ he says.

Loricel clears her throat impatiently next to us. ‘I’m not worth your trouble.’

I stare at her. He can’t really mean to remap his only Creweler.

‘Oh yes,’ Loricel says with a nod. ‘Cormac thinks it’s worth his time to remap me.’

‘I don’t have the time to explain the complex principles of remapping to you, you old fogey—’

‘Look who’s talking,’ she cries, straightening up. ‘At least I have some dignity.’

‘Take her into custody,’ Cormac commands, turning his back on her.

One of the guards drops his hold on Jost and moves towards Loricel, while the other drops the club and pulls Jost up into a choke hold.

‘It’s too dangerous,’ I remind Cormac, my voice breaking with desperation. ‘What will you do without her?’

‘I’ll have you,’ he says, unmoved.

‘And if you lose me, are you willing to risk Arras to have your precious control?’

‘We have t

ime, and your sister will be ready before our raw materials run out,’ he says, staring me down.

‘She can’t weave,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘She won’t be of any use to you.’

‘If you already demonstrate the ability, she might have the recessive gene. Our scientists believe they can access the dormant gene and activate it.’ He pauses to let this sink in. ‘I’ve done some checking up on her. She’ll be a suitable substitute in every duty Arras demands.’ Cormac’s smile is mocking, twisting into something more wicked and heartless at his final threat than I’ve seen from him before.

It hits me like a blow to the stomach. Even if I comply with his wishes, Amie isn’t safe. I look at Jost, and his eyes meet mine. Even now – bent and broken – there’s strength in his gaze. He hasn’t given up, so I can’t either.