Page 20 of Noble Love

Nathan walksout of his night class with his hand on the ass of some girl that is not his girlfriend. He chats her up for a minute before waving her off. Once he’s alone, I peel away from the tree I was using as support and approach him.

“Nice night, isn’t it?” I say. Autumn and I went for a walk earlier before she went to my room to study. I told her I was going to work out.

He looks up from his phone and does a double-take when he recognizes me. “Noble? What’re you doing here? I thought you were a business major. This is the Arts & Sciences department.”

“Let’s take a walk.” I motion toward a path under a cove of trees that leads to the athletic center. The overhanging leaves provide a pretty canopy during the day and a dark umbrella at night.

“Is this about the Sigma Theta party this weekend because I’ve been wanting to go to one of your events. My past invites must’ve been lost in the campus mail.”

“Something like that.” I stop halfway down where the shadows are the darkest. I can barely make out the features in Nathan’s face. When the invitation isn’t forthcoming, I sense his unease.

He laughs nervously. “What? Are you going to beat me up?”

He sounds like a tough guy, but I can tell he’s one mean word away from pissing his pants.

“Physical violence is an easy route, but it really doesn’t have a lasting effect. Me breaking your nose isn’t going to change your behavior.”

There’s an audible sigh of relief that fills the space between us. “Then why are we here?”

“Because I believe in delivering bad news face to face.” I get straight to the point. “This is your last week of classes. I don’t know what you plan to tell your parents, but I’d spend the next few days thinking of some good excuse.”

This time his chuckle is even more forced. “Yeah, right. I paid my tuition, and I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“I used to think that I could turn a blind eye to people like you, but I was wrong. You and Rob Track, are not just assholes, you’re dangerous assholes. You make women feel unsafe, and I don’t like that.”

“What did that bitch say to you? 'Cause it’s all lies. I’ve got a girlfriend.”

I shove my hands in my pockets so I don’t punch this guy’s face in. “She didn’t say anything to me, but the fact that you’re bringing her up means you know you did wrong. You’re not man enough to change, so I’m going to remove you from the equation.” I give him a chin nod and walk away.

I don’t get far before his hand is on my shoulder.

“You can’t get me kicked out.” It’s almost a question rather than a statement.

“We both know I can. My last name isn’t Patton for nothing. My grandfather practically funded the endowment here himself. There isn’t anything the administration won’t do if I ask.” I shrug his hand off and keep walking.

He chases after me. “What the hell, Patton? I was complimenting her. Do you get it? Girls want to feel wanted. I was making her feel good.”

I stop and face the dumb ass. “No. You were scaring her, and you did it repeatedly. I’m not interested in your excuses. Just pack your bags and get out, or security will come and do it for you.”

“I’m going to sue this fucking college and you personally.” Even in the dim light, I can see his face turning red.

“Go for it.”

“Fuck you, Patton. Fuck you and fuck your money and fuck your grandfather!” Nathan screams. The few students around us stop to watch Nathan fall apart. Ignoring him seems like the best plan, but he has a different idea. This time when he grabs my shoulder, he tries to pull me around. His fist comes up, but Nathan’s not a fighter. I duck low, causing him to lose his balance. He stumbles and catches himself on the ground. When he straightens, there’s a rock in his hand.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Nathan. Don’t embarrass yourself like this. Go to counseling or cut your dick off. I don’t know which one you need to do, but straighten your life out and stop acting like a fool.”

He mutters something unintelligible and then comes at me, a roaring, sputtering mess of a child. I almost feel some regret when I plow my fist into his jaw. He falters but surprisingly manages to stay upright.

“Let’s not do more of this,” I say. I want to get back to Autumn. She’ll be wondering where I am. I push past him.

Someone gasps and yells, “Watch out!”

I lean to the side and hear the whistle of wind as the rock thrown by Nathan zips by my ear. I close my eyes and then retrace my steps. Nathan is scrambling for another weapon. I grab the back of his collar and haul him toward me. He tries to squirm away, but he’s weak, and I’m angry. I punch him three times in quick succession, his head bouncing against my fist. Blood spurts from a cut on his cheek. I toss him down and wipe my bruised knuckles against my jeans. “I can either turn your face into meat pudding or you can go back to your dorm and pack your bags. You’re leaving tonight. Someone will escort you to a hotel. I’ll even pay for it, but you are not spending another night on campus.”

Nathan’s right eye is swelling up, and I think I might’ve broken his jaw. “Just nod if you understand.”

He gives me a short, miserable bob of his head. I wait for campus security to show up and watch until he’s hauled away. The witnessing students give statements. In the meantime, I send Autumn a text.