Page 15 of Noble Love

“I did, but I thought maybe you had something going on.”

“I don’t, so get your tush over to the sofa before I put you there myself.” My patience is at an all-time low, so the words come out short and sharp.

She moves fast as if she was waiting for my order.

I lean against the desk because I don’t trust myself to get any closer to her. “What’s the deal with the boyfriend anyway?”

“He just makes me uncomfortable.”

“Because of PDA or what?”

She scrunches her nose. “Not really. I mean, I don’t love that, but I could deal with it. It’s just that sometimes he makes suggestive comments or stares at me too long. I’m probably imagining things.”

I straighten up. “The hell you are.”

“Where are you going?” she asks, hopping to her feet.

I look over my shoulder. “To go beat this guy’s ass.”

“No. Please, don’t. First, you could get kicked out, and second, like I said, I’m reading too much into things.”

“I doubt it, but I can beat his ass later, I guess.” I let go of the doorknob. My eyes fall to the bag she brought with her. “You wanted to change?” I toe the satchel.

“I was going to get ready for bed, but I can’t really do that here. I don’t want to walk back across campus in my sleep shorts and shirt.”

“You’ll sleep here.” I pick up the bag and toss it into the bathroom. “Go and change.”

Autumn immediately moves toward me and then stops, almost as if she was surprised by her own actions. Testing out a theory that pops into my head, I say, “In the bathroom. Now.”

She scurries inside and slams the door closed behind her. I contemplate the closed door and review my facts. When we get food, she likes me to order for her. When I tell her to sit down or get to her feet, she obeys without question. For the last week, I haven’t pressed her to do anything because I wanted to make her comfortable, but maybe it came off as if I wasn’t fully interested. At least when it comes to us, she seems to enjoy being ordered around, not having to make decisions. Quickly, I pull a chair into position. After dousing the lights, I seat myself on the sofa, throw my arms across the back, and wait for her to come out.

The moment the door opens, I bark out a command. “Put your ass in the chair.”

“What’s going on?”

“No questions, Autumn. Not unless I say you can ask them. Go and sit.”

She does as she’s told. Need surges through me. Blood pounds in my dick. I might not make it through this.

“Pull down your shorts.”

“My shorts?” she squeaks.

“Yeah, and don’t make me repeat myself.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready.”

“You’re ready or you wouldn’t be here. You saw I had a hard-on when you arrived, and you didn’t leave. Take down your shorts.” I enunciate every syllable.

Autumn sucks in her lower lip but puts her hands on the waistband of her pajamas. She fumbles with them. My chest tightens, and my breath begins to grow labored. The slow speed at which her shorts travel from her thighs to the floor is a torment I didn’t know existed in this world.

I crack my neck to one side and then the other. “Pull your legs to your chest.”

Again, she moves so slowly, so deliberately that I have to bite my own tongue until I taste blood. She keeps her thighs tight together and dangles her feet in front of her, hiding her sex from view.

“Drape your legs over the arms of the chair.”

“Are you going to take your clothes off?” she asks.