The taste of my arousal and chocolate swirled together in some kind of an erotic treat. “Tyler, now.” I gripped fistfuls of his hair, waiting for him. He rode me hard. I didn’t need sweet or slow. I wanted us to be together and know that nothing could ever separate us. He was mine. And I was his.
When he rolled his hips toward me, I arched my back. A quick spark at my core made me tremble. I was close. As he if could read my thoughts, he gripped my hip and hit my sensitive spot with controlled and unrelenting thrusts. He kept me in a tight hold and watched me come with a satisfied smile on his face. Right before he climaxed too.
“Oh fuck, Mia.” He collapsed next to me.
“I needed that.” I puffed out air, licking sweat off my lips—mine or his, I didn’t know.
“Maybe we can still salvage today.” He pointed at the meal waiting for us on the other end of the table.
“Did you do all this? When?” I dug my finger in the cake again.
“Earlier today. Happy Valentine’s Day.” He caught my fingers and sucked them clean. “Don’t ruin your appetite.”
“Thank you. It’s beautiful. Sorry I messed up your cake.” I watched his mouth wrapped around my fingers. My bud hardened, and I rubbed my mound against his leg. “You’re making me hungry for something else.”
“We have all night.”
I sat up and met his blue gaze. “I was so afraid for us before. Having a family of my own, as it turns out, is mostly spending my day worrying about losing it. I want to know for sure that we have more than one night.”
He cradled my face and brought me down to him for a kiss. “We will not lose what we have. I promise you.”
“And the society? Rex didn’t say it, but I know you agreed to join them. I did too.”
Rex had separated us because he thought we hated each other. No doubt he figured if he talked to us separately, he could make his case to fit our needs. But Tyler and I loved each other. We both wanted the same thing.
“This is how we stay alive.” He pressed his hand to my belly. “How we keep our family together. We survived Jax Rossi. We’ll survive this too. Do you trust me?”
“I do.” I ran a finger down the hard edge of his jaw and his lips. This gorgeous man was all mine. Rex would never be able to take this from us.