“I know.” He gestured for me to take a seat next to him. “A word?”
“No, thanks.”
Rex was hot. Not Tyler hot, but up there. He couldn’t be much older than me, but something about him felt old world. Maybe it was this place. Did he live here? I’d met too many guys like him before. This world of Mafia kings and shoving your way through life just to stay alive was all he knew. Same as me.
“Seems to me you’re also in need of having your bedside manner adjusted. You want to talk to us? How about you have your people call our people? Tonight was overkill.”
He furrowed his brows. To his credit, he actually seemed confused. Did he not realize what kind of a shitshow tonight was? If he hadn’t kidnapped people left and right to bring them here, they would have been more amiable to hearing him out. Instead, he almost got us all shot.
“I was only trying to protect you and the baby. Vittoria’s bodyguards tend to get a little trigger happy at times.”
“I meant the entire night was overkill. Try asking next time.”
He rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Is this advice from one boss to another?”
Technically, it was from one boss to a king, but I appreciated that he didn’t try to pull rank on me. “What do you want? You wanted to talk to Chase alone. Now me. I’m tired. And I’d like to go home. So let’s get on with it.”
“I want the Rossi family to sit at my table.”
He chuckled. “Done?”
“Yes. I had time to think about it.” I let out a breath, relieved that was all he wanted. I would never turn on Tyler. We’d be having a different conversation if he’d asked for that. “One thing, though. Leave my crew out of it.”
“All I ask is that you keep your house in order.” He cocked an eyebrow.
I’d had a rocky start with my people, but we were good now. “Will Tyler be home when I get there?”
He glanced down at his phone, then gave me a quick nod. “Buona sera.”
“Good night.”
I headed for the door. For the first time tonight, my heart settled into a normal beat. Somehow I remembered the way out through the maze of hallways and nightclubs. On the rooftop level, the party was still going strong, except now the guests were extra drunk and the place reeked of sex. The women I’d seen at the bar before were in some kind of threesome with a guy.
When I reached the alley, Vic was in the SUV, waiting. I climbed in the back seat and swallowed my tears. “I miss Jersey.”
“Me too. Where to?” he asked as he let the car tires roll forward.
“Tyler’s place.” I met his gaze in the rearview mirror. “Did you talk to him?”
“He sent me. He’s under house arrest until you get there.” He shrugged. “So, a seat at the ‘big table,’ huh? You’ve accomplished in a few months what Rossi couldn’t in a lifetime.”
“I wouldn’t exactly call this a win. We were in charge before. Now we answer to this Rex guy.”
Tonight could have been a thousand times worse. All I wanted now was to get to Tyler. I still hadn’t forgotten the way he kissed me when he thought he’d lost me earlier. After all these months of being married to him, I still craved his touch. Probably more than before because now I knew we were meant to be together. We were in deep, all the way—with the crews in Jersey, the faction in New York, and now the society.
As soon as Vic pulled up to the curb, I sprang out of the car with a quick wave to him. I punched the elevator call button repeatedly until the doors opened, and then I jumped in. My heartbeat quickened when I stepped into the hallway and found him waiting for me.
He’d removed his tuxedo jacket and undone his tie. He still looked hotter than he had any right to be. The desire in his eyes made me run the rest of the way. I crushed into him, and our mouths collided in a desperate kiss. He gripped my face tighter than usual, but I didn’t care. I wanted him. With his hands all over me, he shuffled me inside and shut the door.
I fumbled with the studs on his shirt while he wrestled my dress off. My skin against his hard body brought me a bit of that release I’d been yearning for all night. In the open floor-style penthouse, we made it as far as the dining table. The bedrooms were at the other end. That was too long to wait. Tyler grabbed handfuls of my butt cheeks and lifted me onto the flat surface. He sucked on my breasts, pushed me down on the table, and wedged himself between my legs.
His tongue left a cold and wet trail from the dip of my neck all the way down to my clit, where he open-mouth kissed me until I felt I would combust from want. I panted short breaths under his touch, stretching my arms over my head. My fingers dug into something that felt smooth and sticky.
“What is this?” I licked the chocolate frosting off my fingers, surveying the entire setup on the opposite end—a bouquet of wildflowers surrounded by candlelight and dinner for two. A slow, sexy tune played in the background.
“Dessert.” Tyler lapped the length of my pussy while he pumped his hard cock with long strokes. “For Valentine’s Day. Though I’d rather have you. You taste so much sweeter. Have a taste.” He climbed over me, caught both my wrists and pinned them above my head before he plunged his tongue in my mouth.