A don? My mystery guy was a future don?
“See something you like?” Penny leaned in and nudged my upper arm.
“What? No.” I furrowed my brows and shook my head quickly.
She smirked then returned her attention to the field. All day she had been a wealth of information, inundating my brain with useless factoids on the colors of each family, the Society crest, and important dates. Why did she have to stop now? When she didn’t offer any details, I decided I didn’t care if Penny thought I was crushing on the QB.
“Who’s the QB?” My cheeks heated. I wasn’t here to flirt with boys. My whole future hinged on the opportunity to attend their prestigious school. I shouldn’t care who our team’s QB was, except I did. I wanted to know his name so badly.
“Ha! I knew it.” She laughed.
“You knew what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”
“Don’t be embarrassed. You’re not the only one.” Penny pointed her chin at the group of girls next to us. “Everyone agrees with you. Our QB is dreamy.”
I hadn’t realized that in the ten minutes since we arrived, more students, mainly girls, had gathered to watch.
“His name is Enzo Alfera. He’s the son of your gracious sponsor, Michael Alfera.” She turned to face me. “Hot QB who’s also a prince of sorts. You can imagine the number of stalkers he has. That includes mothers looking for the best match for their daughters.” She bit her lower lip as she studied my face. “Want my advice? Lose the starry eyes. And stay away from Enzo. He’s all kinds of trouble you don’t need. And he hates stalkers.”
I met her gaze. Did Penny speak from experience? Someone as beautiful as her and with such pedigree would surely be able to date someone like Enzo. A future don wouldn’t waste his time with someone like me—the daughter of a whore, I believed was the term my so-called friends used when they kicked me off the cheerleading team.
“Did you guys date or something?”
“Gosh no. My mom and his dad are first cousins. Gross.”
I shifted my attention back to the field. Enzo and the varsity team had moved on to the next group of tryouts. Again, he huddled the boys around him and shouted out the play, pointing at each player as he went. They all scattered to find their assigned positions, while Enzo found his own behind them. Watching him execute the play with precision was such a rush. I’d always been into football. The blend of brute force and clever tactics was fascinating to me.
By the end of the hour, most of the sophomores had been sent home. The few that remained gathered around Coach near the bench, while Enzo and his friends stood several feet away. He had his arm around the two guys who flanked him earlier. His brows furrowed while he talked to them.
“That’s Rex Valentino on his right and Santino Buratti on his left. Those three have been inseparable since birth.”
I considered telling her that I had met Enzo yesterday. But what would be the point? Enzo and I were not friends. Yesterday, he hadn’t bothered to ask my name, let alone offer me his. Even if we were going to the same school now, we were still worlds apart. He was the son of my dad’s new boss, the one who now controlled our lives—a don.
“Anyway, maybe we’ll get to see them tomorrow at the Alferas’ End of Summer Soiree.”
“Wait? The party tomorrow is hosted by the Alferas?”
“Yes, that’s why Signoria Vittoria wants your family there. So she can bring you into the fold, so to speak.” She patted my leg. “Come on. Let’s go find you something to wear. I saw some great pieces in your closet earlier.”
“Sure.” I rose to my feet, and, like a magnet, my gaze flitted back to him.
He sat on the bench removing his shoulder pads, while laughing at something Santino had said. I smiled at his beautiful face, the thick eyebrows and full lips. This easy-going version of him was so enchanting. There was a chance I lingered too long, ogling him like a boy-crazy schoolgirl because he stopped pulling on his shoelaces and switched his gaze to me.
The way those intense, green eyes bore into mine told me he recognized me. Though I hadn’t expected the other reaction I got from him. He pursed his lips as if he didn’t like seeing me here, like my presence was an insult.
Everything Sparkles Here
Signoria Vittoria’s limo arrived exactly at two o’clock. Though Mom had us come to the lobby a whole half hour early to make sure we didn’t miss our ride to the Hamptons. I wasn’t sure what to expect from that place. I knew we were headed to the beach, but also, we were going to a party at a mansion hosted by Don Alfera.
Two weeks ago, I had no clue who the guy was. Now, he was everywhere. It seemed that no matter what, we couldn’t escape him. He owned us, not just Dad, but all of us.
“She didn’t need to send her limo,” Mom complained half-heartedly as she climbed inside with a huge smile on her face.
“Yes, she did.” Dad followed behind her. Then adjusted his suit jacket. “We’re important now.”