Page 48 of Once Upon a Villain

“I saved Michael Alfera’s life. Don’t ask me how. But this is how he chose to reward me. By giving me a job as his right-hand man.” He exhaled loudly, exchanging a meaningful look with Mom. “You’re part of this family too, Rory. It’s time you start acting like it. Don’t go messing up what we’ve got just because you don’t like my methods.”

“That wasn’t my intention.” I rubbed the side of my arm, biting my lower lip.

“Your mother tells me you want to go back to Las Vegas. What for?” He braced his hands on his hips. “We have a chance to start over here. And get what’s due to me.”

I had clung to the idea of Las Vegas because that was my home. But I had to admit, Dad was right. There was nothing left for us there—the house was gone and so were my friends.

“I know. It’s just that this whole mafia thing is a lot to process. I just want to know the truth.”

“Now you have it.” On his way out, he stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned to meet Mom’s gaze. “I’ll go see if we can set up a call with the twins tonight, so we can see how they’re doing.”

“Thank you.” She smiled at him. As soon as Dad was gone, she shifted her attention to me. “All the furniture is gone too. We’re getting a delivery tomorrow morning.”

“Wow, Signoria Vittoria’s interior designer works fast.” I decided not to bother Mom with anymore of my conspiracy theories. “I’m sure she will do a beautiful job. Can’t wait.”

“I met with her this morning. She brought in some art that looks very expensive.” She sighed and sat next to me. “Her designs are beautiful.”

“Well, I’m all yours until school starts. What should we do today? How about lunch?” I figured a meal and a walk would cheer her up.

“I would love that, but Signoria Vittoria’s driver left a message for you. A young lady is meeting with you today to help you with school stuff.” She glanced down at her watch. “Omigod, it’s almost noon. She’ll be here soon. And look at you, you look like you just got out of bed.”

“I did just get out of bed.”

“How about you jump in the shower, and I’ll go downstairs and wait for her?”

“Um. Okay.” I rose to my feet as Mom rushed out the door. “Okay. I guess we jump when the dragon lady says jump,” I said to the empty room.

I ambled over to my en-suite bathroom and stopped to read all the digital buttons on the control panel next to the door—there was one for each amenity—the heated floors, the towel rack, the steamers in the shower stall, and the jets on the whirlpool bath. I had to admit. I could get used to this.

I took a quick shower, wrapped a fluffy towel around my body, and strode over to my walk-in closet. Since I had no idea what Signoria Vittoria had planned for me today, I didn’t know what to wear.

“Oh good, you’re not a toad.”

“What?” I spun around to face the stranger in my room.

“Hi, I’m Penny de Luca.” She stepped forward with her hand out. “Signoria Vittoria sent me. She said you needed help. I thought the worst. But you look decent.”

“I’m Rory.” I shook her hand. “I’m not a toad.”

“I’m glad.” She walked past me and quickly went through all the items in the closet. “Signoria Vittoria has impeccable taste. How about this one?” She pulled out a sheath dress and a pair of pumps. When I didn’t move, she furrowed her brows. “Come on. We have a lot to cover before school starts.”

“Right.” I took a pair of underwear and a bra from the chest of drawers at the far end of the closet and did my best to put them on without letting go of my towel. When I was ready, I turned, and she handed me the dress. “Where are we going?”

“First, lunch, so we can get to know each other. I’ve been assigned to be your student liaison.”

“Like a babysitter?”

“Don’t be put out. Signoria Vittoria doesn’t trust anyone, especially teenagers.” She laughed. “There’s a way we do things around here. I’ll walk you through it all, so you’re not so lost on your first day.”


“Lose that word.”

I opened my mouth to say okay, but then closed it and moved to put on my shoes. She stood there the whole time, waiting patiently, but at the same time silently asking me to hurry. Surely, she learned that from Signoria Vittoria.

Penny’s designer clothes and the way she carried herself reminded me of Signoria Vittoria. Though she wasn’t as intimidating. Something about her friendly demeanor put me at ease.

“Signoria Vittoria. Is she your mom or…?”