Page 62 of Uncovering GigaByte

Clearing his throat, Byte nearly dropped the phone at the depth of his voice.

“I need you to teach me how to hack.”

That time, Byte did, indeed, drop the phone.


The phone remained silent. Byte couldn’t have heard him correctly.

“Um, I’m sorry. What did you say?”

“I want you to teach me how to hack into my brother’s computer and make sure he’s not hacking.”

Giggling, Byte said, “Let me get this straight. You want toillegallyhack into your brother’s private computer, located in your parents’ private home, play around with their internet provider’s mainframe, all so you can see whether your brother is committing a felony?”


“You did hear me say that this is illegal, and if caught you’d be charged with a felony?”

“Yes, of course I heard you. But if you’re as good as you say, I won’t get caught.”

“But you’d still be breaking the law whether you’re caught or not. You’d still be a criminal.”

“I know that!” Hunter said in exasperation. He knew she was making a point. He didn’t need to be hit over the head to know how ridiculous he sounded. He’d condemned her for her criminal behavior, and now he was asking to do the same.

“It’s just an oxymoron, that’s all.”

“So will you?” Hunter angrily asked.

“Are you recording this conversation? Are you trying to entrap me?”

“Of course not!”

“I’m just curious. It’s not like we’re friends.”

No, we’re not friends. You’re a siren I can’t get out of my head.

“I’m not recording this conversation. I will pay you,” Hunter offered.

Byte snickered. If only he knew she was a multibillionaire. She didn’t need his money. However, she did want something in exchange.

“I’ll barter with you.”

“What do you want?”

“I need a date.”

“What?” Hunter choked back.

“I need afakedate for an assignment I have.”

“Where to? Is it illegal?”

“Oh, now you care about illegal activities. No, it’s not illegal. It’s undercover. I need someone who looks like you.”

“And what do I look like?”

Black socks, she thought.