Page 48 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Yes, Byte, why don’t you tell me all about your run-in with the Black Spades?” the Texas Ranger asked.

“Hey, Dax. What are you doing here? I thought you were based in San Antonio.”

Ivy made quick introductions after everyone was seated.

“I have an alert set for whenever someone with ECP or ALIAS are being investigated. Kyle grabbed Seven’s license plate number, which led the police to ALIAS. I made arrangements for Kyle to stay put until I arrived and took over the investigation. Now, why don’t you bring me up to speed. According to Kyle, you were being held by the club’s president. The president who ironically, we discovered dead a few hours ago.”

“We didn’t shoot him,” Seven reassured.

“I didn’t say he was shot.”

“You didn’t have to, because we were there when it happened. His enforcer shot Roberto,” Aria responded.

While they were retelling the events, Hunter pulled his brother in for a hug.

“I was so worried about you. How did you get the license plate?”

“I saw the man put a gun to your back. I had to find out where you were going, so I snuck behind a car and memorized the number. Then I saw two policemen at the terminal and I told them you’d been taken and gave them the number. I stayed at the police station until the Ranger arrived.”

“Hold on. You didn’t tell me your brother left at gunpoint,” Dax stated.

“Oh, right. I told the other policemen,” Kyle answered.

“Would any of you like to explain?”

“The chap wouldn’t leave and we were worried the MC would target him. I had to make him leave so we weren’t out in the open,” Seven replied. “What else was I supposed to do?”

“Anything other than take the man hostage again, especially in a busy terminal with cameras everywhere.”

Ivy agreed but didn’t say so. She’d already had words with Seven, and she was sure Justin would too. Hunter had been kidnapped three times in two days. It was amazing that he was still sitting at the table.

“If he wasn’t so hardheaded,” Byte chimed in.

“Hardheaded? Are you kidding me? You people are crazy. I just want to take my brother home and forget ever knowing any of you… especiallyyou,” Hunter said, glaring at Byte.

“Ditto,” she snapped.

The man was relentless in pointing out her role in his mess. She hadn’t started this, but she wasn’t about to throw Kyle under the bus. Her whole life was dedicated to helping children out of bad situations, either by words, deeds, or threats. She figured Kyle’s situation wasn’t going to resolve itself anytime soon. Not with Hunter resurrecting it over and over. How many times can someone bury the hatchet, only to dig it up time and time again?

“We can give you a ride,” Ivy stated.

“I’d rather take a cab, thank you anyway.” Hunter stood and pulled his brother up.

“I don’t want to go yet.”

Hunter rolled his eyes up toward the heavens, praying for patience. “Kyle, we’re done with this, with her,” he said, his attention returning to Byte. He hated that his eyes kept searching her out. She was as mesmerizing as she was frustrating.

“Don’t let the door hit you…”

“Byte,” Ivy warned.

“… On your way out,” Byte finished.

“Back at you, trouble.” He nearly fell when Kyle pushed past him and hugged Byte. He watched as she stiffened at the initial contact, then slowly relaxed, as if she’d just realized Kyle didn’t pose any threat to her.

“You be careful on the web. Knowledge is power, and not everyone will be happy you have that much control.”

Without thinking, Hunter said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”