Page 94 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Not possible from where you’re sitting, Elle.”

“I’m not talking about right now. I mean, I see you. I see how you take care of me. I see how you treat me like I’m precious. I see you and wonder how lucky I am to have you love me,” Byte emotionally said.

Hunter leaned in and kissed those tempting lips.

“And I see you too, Elle. I see that you’ve filled a space in my heart that was left vacant just for you. I hate to tell you this, but I don’t ever want to let you go. If you try, I will always chase after your heart and bring it back where it belongs. Does that scare you?”

“No, it pisses me off.”


“Because you tell me all of this when we have a house full of people coming. That’s really mean.”

Laughing, Hunter placed his hand over the one she’d just smacked him with, then placed it over his heart.

“I promise to say those words later tonight, tomorrow, and forever. No matter what obstacles we face, we’ll find our way.”

“Even if it’s the Feds and a really bad motorcycle gang.”

“Yes, even if I have to bail you out, I’m your man.”

“And when is my man going to get on my bike?”

“I want this relationship to last forever… that might not happen if I get on that thing. Let’s just make that a goal for next year.”

Next year! He was planning on keeping her. It had been a long time since she’d felt safe. Hunter was her safe place. He asked enough questions to be invested, but not too many to intrude. He understood her need for balance.

She looked out over the deck and watched Kyle and Darla playing Marco Polo in the pool. She still wasn’t close to Rosemary, but she and Darla had found a bond that was neither seen nor understood by some.

“What time are your parents coming?” Byte asked, still getting used to having parental units around.

“They texted and said they were on their way. How about the gang?”

“Same. Ivy and Ghost were picking up dessert, then Voodoo and Carter. I’m surprised Seven and Aria aren’t already here. Tori talked nonstop about seeing the kids again. And who knows about Falcon and his family. It’s still weird. I mean, he’s a good guy. I like him, but I don’t think his wife likes any of us.”

“That’s her loss. Wasn’t Aaron coming too?”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” Byte excitedly sat up, causing Hunter to brace for impact.


“He asked Alyse out! I knew they would be good together. I think they should name their first child after me.”

“I don’t think the world is ready for another GigaByte.”

Leaning back against her man, she had to agree.


Skylar sat across from her director, trying to keep her leg from bouncing and failing. It had been a hard decision to come in. She’d been ordered several times, but for one reason or another, she hadn’t made their appointments. But now she needed his help.

“Why are you here?”

“Well, there’s been a new development, and I’m not sure how to handle it.”

“Go on.”

“The president was caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. He not only embezzled money and left the club without resources, but he’d kidnapped two civilians, one being a thirteen-year-old. That brought all kinds of trouble, but thankfully they were unharmed. However, the president was killed in the process.”