Page 92 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Oh, really. That’s the formula. So what happens if we don’t eat together?”

“Then I feed on those blue lips. You know, those lips have a reoccurring place in my dreams.”

“So you like them now?”

“Oh, I believe I do. Let me just make sure,” Hunter said as he turned the barstool and stepped in between her legs. “Look, we’re the same height.”

“Shut up,” Byte said and smacked his arm.

“I don’t have to break my neck trying to reach those sexy lips.”

“And I don’t have to strain to reach yours either.”

“See, it’s cosmically necessary that we explore this new and rare occurrence.”

“In the name of science.”

“Yes, in the name of science,” Hunter echoed and tasted once more the lips that drove him crazy.


Byte texted Ivy when she left Hunter’s place. She wasn’t sure she would’ve made it out of there if not for the prearranged plans with the girls. But he agreed she needed to leave after spending the last twenty minutes kissing. He educated her on how to get more satisfaction from their kisses, and once he showed her, she just had to practice. Practice makes perfect, she reminded him.

She’d just finished throwing on her pj’s when her doorbell alerted her to company. She hadn’t locked it after she returned, knowing the girls would be there soon enough.

Ivy was the first to arrive, and she was glad. Byte needed advice.

“Should I watch porn?”

“Excuse me?”

“To learn how to have sex. Should I watch porn?”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes. I mean, I know the mechanics of it, but I also know that not everyone orgasms, which from what I’ve heard really ticks them off. I don’t want to get angry at Hunter for that, so I’m wondering if I need to watch a video on how to get there… you know… before.”

“Lord, this isn’t what I was expecting when I told Justin we were having a girls’ night. But here it goes. No, don’t watch porn. It’s not realistic. It’s made-up; over-exaggerated, and will set up unrealistic exceptions. You know my situation. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to have a sex life. My trauma was always just waiting to surface. PTSD is not for the faint of heart. But Justin was patient. He never pushed me to do anything I was uncomfortable with. He also taught me that the intimacy is just as sensual as is the deed.”

“The deed?” Byte giggled. “Go on, sorry to interrupt. So Ghost wasn’t pushy and begging for sex.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say not begging. What I’m saying is that you need to let Hunter take the lead. He’s experienced, or so I hope.”

“But he said I was to take the lead. How can I lead without knowing how?”

“Oh, now I get it. Okay, he is giving you all the control.”

“That’s what he said.”

“And with that control, you set the pace. You will let him know when you’re ready for more. And when you are, he’ll take the lead. Do you think you’re ready?”

“God, no! I just learned how to kiss today. I still have on training wheels, plus we just started seeing each other like two days ago. Although he says we’ve been on three dates.”

The door opened and Aria and Voodoo walked in.

“Who’s been on three dates?” Voodoo asked as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Me and Hunter.”