Page 59 of Uncovering GigaByte

Byte thought of Hunter and him constantly calling her a criminal. No way could something like that happen.

Aaron watched her closely and when he’d seen the fight leave her eyes, he asked who she was thinking about.

“Doesn’t matter. It’d never work.”

“Because he’s normal.”

“If being normal means being judgmental, self-righteous, and hostile, then yes he’d be considered normal.”


“There’s nothing interesting about Hunter. He’s as boring as a pair of black socks. I can’t even imagine him wearing colorful striped ones. Look at me. I buck normal. I have my own identity, and I’m happy with how I live my life.”

“So what if you’re brilliant blue and he’s drab black. If you’re leather and he’s loafers. If you’re a hare and he’s a turtle. Is there chemistry?”

“No,” she lied. Byte tried to think about their interaction the night before. Did he feel the snap of electricity when they were in the same room? What would he have done if she’d shut up his barbed comments with a kiss? Would he pull her in or push her away? Those uncertainties were exactly why she had to forget about him.

Not believing his friend for one moment, he nodded and said, “I see. Well, then there’s nothing to worry about. You’d never settle for physical attraction.”

“Right,” Byte said, not really listening to Aaron.

“So why don’t you find your soulmate and leave me to find my own. Besides, workplace relationships are dangerous, and we have enough danger already in our lives.”


“You’re still thinking about him, aren’t you?”

“What?” Byte asked, trying to remember what Aaron was talking about.

“Point made. Well, I’ve got to go. We have some things to finish up and get the files over to Cruz. I know he’s curious about where the documents come from. Maybe once Alyse is fully acclimated, we’ll meet and tell him all about Karma.”

“That would be good. Alright, you’ve made your point, so it’s time for you to get to work. I’m not paying you to play me like a fiddle.”

Aaron guffawed. “There’s nothing fiddle about you.”

True, Byte thought. She’d be more like cymbals and drum snares.

She walked her friend out of the office and turned to see Voodoo waiting for her.

“He’s nice.”


“He cares for you.”


“He might even love you.”


“Come on, Byte. You can trust me.”

“I do, but with Aaron, it’s private. He’s a lifeline for me, nothing more and he knows it. Besides, just because you reconciled with CC, doesn’t mean you have to butt into my life.”

“Still calling Carter CC, I see.”

“Not likely to change. He might not be cowardly, cockwad, or catastrophic, but he’s content, cautious, and confined, and he makes you happy.”