Page 56 of Uncovering GigaByte

“I hate to be rude, but why is Aaron here?” Seven asked.

“Because he knows everything. He can give you details about my life that I don’t talk about. And because he’s the CEO of my legitimate company.”

“Wait, what?” Voodoo asked. “You own a company?”

“And it’s legitimate?” Ghost asked in disbelief.

Aaron chuckled. “Let me tell you about Karma.”

The group listened as Aaron talked about Chloe and the reason why the company was created in the first place.

“Her death was a game changer for all of us, but especially Dani.”

When Byte growled, he corrected himself and said, “especially Byte. Is that better?”

After a brief nod from Byte, Aaron continued.

“We didn’t start this organization to siphon money, seize assets, or save the world. That’s your mission. Ours was to protect those who couldn’t stand up to their tormentors, one abuser at a time. We gather all the information necessary for arrest and sentencing, then provide it to the FBI. We closely monitor the case’s progress and if it becomes necessary, Byte will step in and makes sure it’s an open-and-closed case. I don’t ask questions. I don’t want to know. As far as my team knows, they work at a nonprofit company. They don’t ask about our funding. I handle all of that under my role as CEO. Essentially, I’m CEO, CFO, HR, and the legal owner, even though the company is Dani’s.”

“I’d hate your job,” Ivy stated. She’d already given Ghost an earful on why he couldn’t ever leave again. She was done with handling people’s emotions and problems. Give her a magazine for her Glock, let her aim, and then fire any day of the week and she’d be happy.

“It’s not so bad. Dani—” Aaron stopped and grinned. “Byte keeps us well funded. Again, don’t ask… don’t tell.”

“And you’re a hacker too?” Falcon asked.

“I can, but I rarely have to.”

“He’s the one who taught me,” Byte interjected.

“I taught her how to code; the rest she taught herself,” Aaron countered.

“So do you need our help with taking down an abuser?” Aria asked.

Aaron looked at Byte, but when she didn’t answer, he continued. “Before Byte was Byte, she was Danielle… Dani to me. We met in foster care, and I was lucky to have her as a friend. In those early years, she was more open.”

“I’m right here!” Byte barked.

“Then you tell the story,” Aaron countered.

When Byte stayed quiet, Aaron grinned.

“Right. As I was saying, Dani was more unguarded. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she was tough, even back then. But her anger initially stemmed from her parents’ abandonment. Over the years, I’ve tried to get Byte to locate her birth parents, but she’s refused… until now.”

“You said this was about your mother,” Ivy said to Byte. “What about your father?”

“He’s dead. Killed while in prison,” Aaron stated.

Byte turned and looked at him in dismay. He’d never told her about her father. She wasn’t surprised he was dead, but it still was news she hadn’t known.

“When?” she asked Aaron.

“A few months after you were dropped off at school. He was picked up that day. Your father died before his court date. I don’t believe he meant to leave you there. I’m not saying he was a good person, because he wasn’t, but he also hadn’t chosen to abandon you.”

“Unlike my mother,” Byte said bitterly.

“What do you know about her?” Aria asked. As someone who had chosen to give her daughter away—to protect her from the life Aria lived—she was curious.

“Even though Dani didn’t want to find her, I have been searching for years. I only discovered the truth a month or so ago. She’s a federal agent with the ATF.”