Page 45 of Uncovering GigaByte

Aaron wasn’t sure how to answer that question. He wasn’t angry with Dani, but he also wasn’t happy. She put her life on the line every day, all day, and didn’t think anyone cared if she was hurt or killed. If only she could see that so many people loved her. Instead of voicing this, he answered with what she needed to hear.

“No, Dani, I’m not mad. You drive me crazy, though.”

“I know, but you love my crazy.”

It was true. He couldn’t imagine Dani being anything but who she was. He’d seen that as a kid. Instead of harnessing that, she fed it with one thrill, risk, or challenge after the other.

“I do. Gotta go, though. I have real work to do. I’ll call you when I have more to share.”

“You’re the best. Love ya.” And she did. She might not ever feel the kind of love he thought he wanted, but Aaron knew she loved him the best she could, and he’d resigned himself to being ‘friend zoned’ a long time ago.

After the call disconnected, Byte opened her laptop and looked at what she’d been working on before her capture.

Rosemary Evans might be on the run, trying to avoid capture, but Byte knew exactly where she was.

Adjusting the drone’s camera lens slightly to the left, Byte watched as her mother scrambled eggs and placed them on a paper plate in front of her stepsister. In the outskirts of Galveston, Byte wondered, not for the first time, why Rosemary returned to the city she’d lived in when Byte was young. What was she trying to prove? Was she hoping to see her long-lost daughter? Or was she simply hoping that living in plain sight would work to her advantage?

As Byte watched the tenderness and giggles the two shared, she vowed to clear her mother’s name… not because she deserved it, but because Darla did. Darla deserved to have a home where she felt loved and safe. Darla deserved to have everything Byte had wanted, and she was going to make sure her sister had it, even if it meant protecting their mother.


Hunter looked around the office he had been led to. The British man had to use a keycard and retina scanner for them to enter the interior of the building. The last forty-eight hours had felt unreal, as if he’d walked onto a movie set.

When the man and woman stood outside the bus depot waiting on them, Hunter’s first reaction was to shield his brother. Only the man didn’t exude trouble. In fact, the smiles that greeted them were in contrast with the lethal aura they gave off.

Extending his hand, the man introduced himself and his partner.

“I know it’s been a tough few days, but we’re not here to hurt you. In fact, it’s the opposite. We’re here to make sure you are safe.”

“You were one of the men who kidnapped us. I recognize your accent, so don’t try to deny it,” Hunter demanded, once they’d cleared the bus terminal, no longer feeling comfortable.

“You’re right, mate, and I promise to answer all of your questions, but let’s do it in the car.”

“We’re not going anywhere with you before you tell me why I should trust you.”

“If I wanted you dead, you would be. Now, if we stay in the open, it’s very likely one of the bikers will make you his target. I, for one, would rather not be in someone’s crosshairs.”

Hunter agreed with the observation and followed the two at a distance. He leaned over to Kyle and gave him strict instructions.

“I want you to slow down, go into the restroom, and wait two minutes. When you can’t see us any longer, run.”

“But what if he’s right and we are safer with them?”

“What if he isn’t? We’re not too far from a coffee shop down the street. There are usually police there. Go to one, tell them what’s happened and who these people are. Stay with them. I have to keep you safe. Don’t argue. Just listen.”

As much as Hunter hated separating from his brother, he needed to know that Kyle wasn’t in any more danger. He didn’t know the man or woman, only that he’d played a role in their abduction, at least the first one.

“How will I find you?”

“I’m not sure. Let the police handle it.” Hunter stopped talking when the British man turned to check on their progress and resumed their trek after reassuring the Higgins were still behind him. “Now!”

Hunter held his breath for a full two minutes, hoping the man didn’t look back too soon. Looking at his watch, he prayed Kyle had followed his instructions and was on his way to get help.

When the man looked back and realized Kyle was gone, he stopped abruptly and watched as the woman scanned the terminal.

“Where’s your brother?” the man demanded.
