Page 44 of Uncovering GigaByte

“She’d be working to clear her name and forget about me. It’s not like it’s that hard for her.”

“Have you thought about using a go-between? I’m sure you have contacts in the ATF you trust.”

“Nope. The only ATF agent I know, I don’t trust for a minute. She plays both sides. How would I ever know if I was getting the truth? No, she’s a no go.”

“How about talking with Ghost or Ivy?”

“I love how you reference them as if you know them.”

“I do through you. They are the most important people in your life.”

“And you. I trust you three with everything.”

“But you’ve kept a large part of your life from them. Why?”

“Because they have their own missions to work.”

“Again, so much of what we do could fall under their objectives. We both want to save those who can’t save themselves.”

“I don’t know, Aaron. I feel like I need to keep both lives separate.”

“It’s your call. I just want you to know I’ll never turn my back on you. You’re the longest relationship I’ve had, not counting family.”


That fact was what kept Aaron at bay. She couldn’t risk isolating him. He was too important in her life. Besides, Aaron needed a woman who singularly wanted to love him. He needed someone who would stand by his side, someone who could put him first at all times. That wasn’t her.

“Let me see if I can find any inroads with Agent Evans.”

“Thank you for not calling her my mother. She lost that title when I was nine.”

“Understood. Now, what else is bothering you? You didn’t tell me why you went radio silent on me.”

“Oh, yeah, I was kidnapped.”

“Danielle! Are you kidding me?”

“No, why would I joke about that? It really wasn’t a big deal.”

“Unbelievable. Only you would think being taken wouldn’t be the first thing you’d tell me.”

“Really, Aaron. It wasn’t a big deal. I knew Ivy would find me. I have all sorts of tracking information set up. They just needed to think about it. Next time, they’ll know.”

“Next time? You plan on getting abducted again?”

“No, not planned, but it’s always a risk with what I do.”

“Because of Karma or ALIAS? Or maybe because you steal from some very corrupt and powerful people.”

“Yes to all. You don’t have to worry about me. I promise, I’m okay. Besides, Megan K. from California said today was my day.”

“Let me guess… another Dove quote. I can’t believe you trust those stupid sayings. It could’ve meant today was your day to die.”

“So pessimistic. We can find inspiration anywhere.”

“So you say. Call me later. I have some work to do,” Aaron said.

“Are you mad?”