Page 41 of Uncovering GigaByte

“And not the other one?” Seven asked.

“Nah… I kinda like him. I mean, it’s okay if you want to hurt him… just don’t kill him.”

“Yet,” Ivy said and pulled the trigger, shooting Oscar in the thigh.

At the same time, Seven shot a round into Roberto, but it was unnecessary because when Oscar was falling to the floor, he fired and killed Roberto on his descent.

“Or that will work,” Byte said, leaping from her seat and hugging Ivy and high-fiving Seven.

Turning toward Oscar, who was cursing Ivy, Byte, Ricardo, and the devil himself, Byte knelt beside him and reminded him of what she’d told him earlier. “You should’ve left when I told you to. Just be glad I stopped her from killing you. It’s her go-to stance. Anyway, stop whining. It’s just your leg.”

“With a bullet in it,” he growled.

“Such a baby for some big bad biker outlaw. Anyway, see ya.”

“Wait. Byte, are we just leaving him here? What about the police?” Seven asked.

“Nah, he’ll call his buddies, the ones not in jail. Besides, they have some club business to talk about.”

“And the money?” Oscar asked Byte.

“What money?” Byte giggled as she left the office.

Seven and Ivy stood there and watched Byte skip over and hug Aria.

“She’s bloody nuts,” Seven said in disbelief.

“Yep. But she’s our nut,” Ivy said as she and Seven joined Aria and Byte outside the warehouse.

“Can we go home? I need to check on Kyle and Hunter.”

“I think there’s a lot you need to tell us on the way home,” Ivy said as they pulled away from the building.

“Nah, nothing you ain’t heard before. Bad guy kidnaps girl and demands she return the money. Only the girl never stole his money… someone else did. But the girl does what he says, only she steals all his money and the club’s money and lets the bad guys blame each other. It’s a tale as old as time.”

“Okay, Belle,” Aria smirked. “Who’s the Beast?”

“That would be Hunter Higgins. He’s a pain in my behind.”

“Now that’s the story I want to hear,” Aria said.

“You and me both,” Ivy said and began giggling along with Aria and Byte.

Seven looked around the car and wondered why he’d been left to babysit the ladies while the others were in England.



“Have you found them yet?” Ivy asked Byte once they returned to ALIAS’ headquarters.

“No. I’m trying to find Skylar first. I need to make sure she didn’t kill Kyle and Hunter.”

“Do you really think she would?” Aria asked.

“I don’t trust her at all.”

“But you do the man who kidnapped you. That makes no sense,” Seven stated.