Page 40 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Exactly. Prove it wasn’t you,” Oscar ordered.

“How do I do that?” Roberto asked.

“Give Byte all yours and the club’s bank account information. She will be able to see if it was funneled by you. Can’t you do that?” Oscar asked Byte.

Byte stared at him. Could she do it? Absolutely. Could Oscar also know that she could drain all their accounts and put the MC out of business permanently? Was he playing both sides? Dang it, she didn’t know, but she was definitely interested in taking their money away. The MC had been a pain in ECP and ALIAS’ sides for too long. With just a few keystrokes, she could wipe them out of business. So she nodded and confirmed she could trace the money.

“Let her go, Roberto. Give her the numbers and step back.”

“And what? Let you shoot me?”

“Not if I don’t have to. I will if you don’t give her the information. I will tell the club how you stole everything. If I don’t kill you, trust me, someone will.”

Roberto took a hard swallow and nodded. He let Byte go, pulled out a notebook tablet, and wrote the accounts on it. First, the club’s various accounts, and finally his personal ones.

Byte went over to the laptop and fired up her system. Sending first an encoded message to Ivy with her location, she began looking at the various accounts. She began moving funds to Roberto’s account until it reached eleven million. After she closed the window that showed where she’d had Kyle move the money, she turned her laptop around so the two men could see.

“The window on the left is the club’s balance. You will see it has two hundred and fifty thousand in it.”

“Where’s the ten million?” Oscar asked.

“The window on the right is Roberto’s personal account.”

“Eleven million,” Oscar growled. “You moved the ten million into your personal account!”

“I didn’t. I swear. I don’t know why it is saying that, but I didn’t touch the money. We had more than two fifty before I took Byte. Someone else has stolen the money. It wasn’t me.”

As the two were blaming each other, Byte opened a third window and zeroed out both accounts, along with the five million that was in the club’s account earlier.

* * *

Ivy listenedoutside the door and had to hold back a laugh. Byte was playing the two men against each other, all the while sitting there moving money back and forth as if it were a chess game and they were her pawns.

“If we don’t step in, the younger man may kill the president and then Byte. On my count, move in.”

They’d received Byte’s message after they’d already located the warehouse. Having confirmation that she was still there was helpful. As the three operatives entered the warehouse, they saw shadows in the office. It was the only room with a light on, making it pretty easy to see. Unfortunately, there was only one way in or out. The plan was for Aria to stand back in the event there were others, while Ivy and Seven would enter the room and take control.

On three, Seven took high and Ivy went in low. Oscar had his gun pointed at Roberto’s head. It was clear the enforcer didn’t believe his president.

When Byte looked up and saw them, she waved. “Jeez, it took you long enough.”

“Nice to see you too, fairy,” Seven replied.

“Put the gun down,” Ivy instructed.

“He’s mine,” Oscar said.

“Oh, let me make introductions,” Byte said, as if there weren’t three people holding guns. “The man with the gun is Oscar. Sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

When Oscar didn’t offer her one, she continued. “Anyway, he’s the motorcycle club’s enforcer. He’s threatening to kill their president… Roberto something, for stealing all their money.”

“I really don’t care why he wants to shoot him. I just want him to lower the gun.”

“Not happening.”

“As you wish,” Ivy said, taking aim, when Byte yelled.

“No, Ivy. Don’t. If you have to kill someone, shoot Roberto.”