“At least Ryan has MI5 experience. Ryan’s a great analyst and hopefully can manage his team.”

“We were lucky Seven could fly over for a few days and help after he and Carter finished their job.”

“I wonder how that went… him and Carter, I mean. Voodoo didn’t seem to worry about her ex-lover working with her husband.”

“You make it seem so sordid, Byte. They weren’t lovers. One time doesn’t make them lovers… It makes them hookups, mistakes, and regrets. Don’t you think Carter overreacted to the situation?”

“Really? I mean, how would you have reacted if Ghost worked with someone he’d slept with… even if just once.”

“Point taken,” Ivy replied. “Anyway, I just want Justin home.”

“I know… You guys are sickening.”

“Hush it. Now tell me what’s going on in your world.”

“Nothing. You know what I’m working on every day.”

“On the days you come in, yes. But you are not always on an assignment. How do you spend your free time?”

“I just tinker around. Nothing special.”

“I don’t believe that for one minute. You are the definition of idle hands being the devil’s playground.”


“Hmm, what? You want to share what you’re working on?”

“Nope. You keep your private life private and I’ll do the same,” Byte said before popping a corn chip into her mouth.

“You know Justin and I worry about you, right? You are family, and I don’t want you to ever think you can’t trust us.”

“I trust you and Ghost. What are you wanting for me to tell you?”

“About Chloe.”

“I already told you… she’s not up for discussion.”

“I’m sorry. Obviously, she’s a sore subject. It’s just… Well, Byte, the way you reacted to Agent Fulbright’s death was quite telling.”

“Agent Fulbright, as you call spooky Vanessa, has nothing to do with Chloe. Vanessa was crazy.”

“She was sick, mentally speaking. You said you couldn’t protect Chloe, so you went after the problem. I know she committed suicide. That was why Vanessa’s death triggered you.”

“I don’t want to talk about it, Ivy.” Byte knew she’d regret divulging so much that afternoon with Ivy, Aria, and Voodoo, but they’d witnessed her flashback. They’d seen the PTSD firsthand, so she told them as much as she was willing to share.

“You can trust me.”

Byte knew that, but she didn’t trust herself. If Ivy or Ghost tried to talk her out of Karma missions, she’d have to leave ALIAS permanently. What she and Aaron did was more important, perhaps not on a grand scale, but on a personal level it was.

“Maybe later, but not right now. I have my reasons, and you’re just going to have to trust me.”

“That is something you’ll never have to worry about.”

“Good, now tell me what happened with Carter and Seven?” Byte asked while rubbing her hands together, preparing for some good ole gossip. She’d talk about anything to get Ivy off the Chloe subject.

“Okay, this is what I know…”

Byte, while wanting to know, got distracted when she saw Aaron enter the restaurant. That couldn’t be a coincidence. He’d sought her out… and that was never good.