Page 39 of Uncovering GigaByte

“What did you do with it?” Roberto growled. He’d received an alert from his bank that his account had been closed out, with a zero-dollar balance. He immediately slammed open the office door and reached for Byte.

Oscar wasn’t sure what had happened to set his boss off, but he’d never seen the well put together biker so enraged.

“With what?” Byte innocently asked.

Roberto grabbed Byte by the nape of her hair and pulled her up out of her chair.

“Boss,” Oscar warned.

“She stole all my money.”

“You mean the club’s money,” Oscar reinforced.

“She stole it all. The ten million she put in and everything else in the bank.”

“You got the alert. You saw the money and you also saw we stepped away from the computer. We couldn’t have stolen the money … you were the only one with access. Maybe you are trying to fool your man. Maybe you are sitting high and mighty with the club’s money resting in another account.”

Byte bit back a yelp when Roberto’s hold tightened. She tried to make eye contact with Oscar, but his attention was singularly on the MC president. Had he shuffled the money around so it appeared Byte was responsible? It wouldn’t surprise him. There was no honor among thieves. Knowing that Roberto was being backed into a corner, Oscar pulled his Glock from his waistband and pointed it at his leader.

“She’s playing you, Oscar. It’s what she does. She steals money and then runs.”

“She’s not going anywhere, and neither are you… Not until I have some answers.”

“You best remember your place. I’m your president.”

“And I’m the enforcer. It’s my job to protect the club… not its members. You are replaceable just like anyone else in the club. If you stole the money, I will make sure you will no longer lead the club.”

“You don’t have the power to usurp my position.”

“I have all the power I need,” Oscar said, while aiming his gun at Roberto.

“She’s making a fool out of you. You’re going to regret holding me at gunpoint.”

“I’m not holding you. You’re the one using Byte as a shield. Let her go and face me like a man.”

“What? So you can kill me? I didn’t steal the money. She did,” he said, shaking Byte’s hair so hard she nearly stumbled.

“Grab my arm for Pete’s sake, and let go of my hair!” Byte demanded.

“Shut up! This is all your fault. I want the money back in my account now!”

“Your account?” Byte inquired. She desperately wanted the two men to not trust each other. If they were fighting, she could step aside and let the men kill each other; although she really didn’t want to see Oscar get killed. She didn’t know why, but she felt he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. Of course, she was a fan, if for no other reason than simply the fact that his gun was aimed at Roberto and not her. That was always a win-win situation for her.

“Our account,” Roberto replied. “It’s the club’s account. You know what I meant.”

“Not really,” Byte answered despite the question not being meant for her. “When I placed the money, the only one who got the alert was you, right? I mean, wouldn’t the club’s secretary know about the finances? There was only one phone number on the account, so who was monitoring your funds to begin with. For that matter, maybe four million wasn’t missing at all, or at least not by me. Maybe you moved the four mil over to your account and told the team I’d stolen it. Like I said earlier, four million isn’t really worth my time.”

Byte knew the seeds of doubt were planted. She honestly couldn’t say it wasn’t the truth. She hadn’t recalled taking their money. It could’ve been Roberto, or perhaps a different hacker. Either way, Oscar was definitely questioning the lost money.

“You stole from your own men,” Oscar growled.

“No! She did.”

“But did I?” Byte asked.

“Shut up! You know you did.”

“Actually, I don’t know that. If it wasn’t me, and it wasn’t you… then who was it?”