Page 36 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Why didn’t we think of that?” Ivy asked the group.

“We are reliant on Byte to do the creative thinking in this area,” Aria stated.

“Now we have to use her skills to find her,” Seven added.

“Okay, within a ten-minute window from the van arriving, four vehicles left the lot. One is an SUV. It’s hard to see how many heads are there, but I definitely see three.”

“That’s a possibility. And the others?” Ivy asked.

“The other one was a large pickup truck. I only see two people, but it’s a four-door truck, so they could have her lying in the back, or worse, under the bedcover. The third is a PT Cruiser. It looks like a teenager, possibly an employee. And the last one is a large passenger van. It has two people in the front, but the windows are tinted and I can’t see how many passengers are in the back, if any.”

“Can you run the tags?” Ghost asked.

“Already doing it,” Chaos said distractedly. “Okay, the PT Cruiser is owned by a seventeen-year-old boy. I’m pretty sure he’s a park employee. It will take time to gather intel on everyone within this window.”

“Just focus on the license plates,” Ghost instructed.

“Okay, I think we have a winner,” Chaos said three minutes later. “The SUV has stolen plates. It also has three figures clearly defined. I’m shooting you over the license plate and screenshots.”

“That’s fantastic,” Aria said.

“Hold on and let me see if I can track it after they entered loop 410.”

As the group waited on Chaos, Ivy snapped her fingers and exclaimed, “I’ve got it. Why I didn’t think of this earlier… Anyway, check her Fitbit.”

“Good call,” Ghost encouraged. “I laughed when she bought all of us one for Christmas this year.”

“But when she told us why, it was bloody brilliant,” Seven admitted.

“Hello… share the deets,” Falcon said.

“Oh, it was brilliant. She said it was her personal tracking device for the team. She reasoned that if abducted or lost, most times cells are destroyed, meaning it was hard to locate them. However, no one thinks to remove an exercise wristband,” Voodoo said with pride.

“A wristband that tracks your movement, your blood pressure, your heartbeat, and more importantly, your location,” Aria added.

“Bloody smart,” Ryan said.

“That’s our girl,” Ivy said with pride. “What do you need from us to track her, Chaos?”

“Download a Bluetooth mapping app, like Ramblr. I’m sure she activated the Bluetooth function if her plan was to use it as a tracking device. It syncs to her cell phone, as well as her laptop. Did she keep the boxes?”

“Yes, they are all in the storage room. She labeled them,” Aria stated.

“Good. Find her box, download the app, enter her serial number in, and you should be able to track her movement. She probably has all of this set up on her laptop, but I’d advise all of you to install the app.”

“What if she doesn’t have Wi-Fi or cellular networks nearby?” Seven asked.

“It’s not needed for their mapping hardware. The map has an offline option.”

“We really need to know how to do this,” Ivy said.

“We’ll have her teach us when she gets home,” Ghost stated.

“Guys, Byte is already one step ahead of us,” Voodoo said over the line. “The tracking app is already loaded onto my phone, along with everyone’s Fitbit connected.”

“Thank God she knows what she’s doing. Now. Can we go get our girl and bring her home?” Ghost asked.

Home. Ivy had to agree. Byte was home with them. She might have been lost in the foster system, but they were lost without her.