Page 35 of Uncovering GigaByte

“What now?” she asked Oscar when she entered the office.

“Now Roberto is going to put you up on the chopping block.”

“And what, sell me?”

“Sell your services. He’s contacted some high-level associates and offered your skills, along with a service fee.”

“Pretty smart. Was this your idea?”

“You ask a lot of questions.”

“And you avoid answering them. Why didn’t you take my offer? You had to know I have the ability to live up to it.”

“I’m not here for the money.”

“So for the violence? You are the enforcer for the MC. Is it that you love the power your fists yield?”

“Now who’s being poetic.”

“I’m just not sure who you really are. You weren’t unduly rough when you captured me. You didn’t backslap me when I peppered you with questions, even taunting you. And now, you are here, having a conversation with me. I can’t imagine that’s your MO.”

“I have my reasons.”

“Sure, I get that. It’s because of Skylar. I don’t understand her either, but she’s not my problem.”

“Neither am I.”

“So are you telling me that after Roberto has gathered all his finder’s fees, he’s going to just let me go? That he’s not going to kill me?”

“I’d think you’d be worth more alive than dead. But I’m not the boss.”

“Meaning, you’re not sure he’s smart enough to figure that out. I, for one, hope he does, or at the very least you suggest it.”

Oscar didn’t respond, only turned to walk out of the office.

“Wait, Oscar.” Once he’d turned back and faced Byte, she issued her warning. “My people will come for me. They are trained assassins. Get out before they get here and keep Skylar away. This is your last chance to save yours and her lives. My people don’t ask questions. If they see you or Skylar, they will kill you on sight.”

Nodding, Oscar left the room. Despite the reason Byte was there, she didn’t believe Skylar was deserving of death. She didn’t know what Oscar’s story was, but she had a feeling it was deeper than ALIAS was aware of.


“Where are we on finding her?” Ivy asked Aria.

“I wish I had half the skills that Byte has, or at the least her speed. I’ve looked at every site I have access to in San Antonio, and I don’t see them transferring from the van. I know they did… it was a smart move, but jeez if I can find her.”

“Let’s call Chaos again,” Seven suggested.

Ivy hated calling and interrupting their flow, but Byte was more important than some ambiguous assassin in Europe.

Once the call connected, Ghost immediately asked about Byte.

“Nothing yet. We’ve done everything we can from this end. We’re just not technical enough to find what we need.”

“Chaos,” Ghost yelled out. “Bring your laptop with you.”

Seconds later, Ghost updated Chaos of their inactivity and need for a lead to follow.

“I’m looking at the time stamp of when the van entered the park. From there, I’m hoping to find which vehicles left, and hopefully a shot of Byte in the car. Hold on.”