Page 34 of Uncovering GigaByte

“You’d never receive one and a half times interest in a bank, even an offshore one. Now who’s the thief?” Byte asked.

“I want a full ten million transferred into my account.”

“Right. Six plus four equals ten. I can add. Just write down your routing and account numbers and we’ll get right on that.”

“I will see the minute the dollars hit my account, so don’t try to play games with me. I’ll know if you try to trick me.”

“Understand. You’re smarter than you look.”

“Byte,” Hunter pleaded. He couldn’t understand why she felt the need to push. If only he knew this was her on a low speed.

Roberto handed the paper to her and she placed it on the table next to Kyle.

“Okay, do you know what to do?” she asked Kyle.

“Yes, I do just what you told me earlier.”

“Good boy.”

Byte watched as Kyle finished writing the transfer code. All that was needed was to transfer the funds from her account to Roberto’s.

“Look at your app. I’m sending it now,” Byte instructed and then nodded for Kyle to enter the routing and account number.

Seconds later, Kyle stopped and looked at Roberto.

“It’s there,” Roberto confirmed.

They watched as Roberto closed his app and placed the phone into his pocket. Kyle then hit the enter button once more and backed out of the banking system.

“Can you be tracked?” Hunter asked his brother. The last thing he wanted was his brother to be arrested by the police.

“No. Byte has special software that blinds anyone from seeing her actions. It’s pretty awesome. Can you set me up with something like that too?”

“Absolutely not!” Hunter replied before Byte could.

“Hunter,” Kyle whined as if he were three, not thirteen.

“No more hacking. Period.”

Roberto slammed his hand against the table, stopping all conversation. Byte sat back with her arms casually crossed against her chest. Hunter stopped and stood behind his brother, and Kyle was startled, as if he hadn’t realized they were still in real danger.

“Oscar, take Byte to my office. We have some unfinished business to take care of.”

“Skylar, you take the boys. You know what needs to be done.”

Byte blew out a breath. Knowing that Skylar was overseeing the guys put Byte at ease. While she might not know what Skylar’s game was, she felt pretty confident the idea of killing two innocent people, one being a child, wasn’t part of the plan.

“Okay, gentlemen, we can do this the easy way and you walk out that door, or we can do it the hard way and I shoot you and drag your bodies out that door. Which one will it be?” Skylar asked Hunter and Kyle.

Hunter pushed Kyle ahead, keeping his hand around the back of his brother’s neck. He was just thankful there were two options. It was one more than he’d expected.

Kyle stopped in his tracks, demanding to know where they were taking Byte. While Hunter also wanted to know, he wasn’t willing to risk his brother’s life to ask. He had to believe she was telling the truth and that help was on the way.

“Don’t worry about me, kid. I have nine lives. Listen to your brother and go with Skylar. I promise you, everything will be okay.” Byte made eye contact with Skylar, daring her to disagree. They both knew the score. If Skylar hurt either of those boys, she would face Ivy and the others. No matter what Skylar was into, she had to know ALIAS would stop her one way or another. She would also have a door number one or door number two choice to make.

Oscar stood with Byte by his side but didn’t lead her upstairs until the three had left the inside of the warehouse.

Byte was still unsure if Oscar was undercover like his girlfriend, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to kill her, so that was good news.