
“Calm down. I was just saying it’s time to leave. Save your game. We’re going to have fun today.”

Fun… not likely, Kyle thought. He didn’t have time to waste at a football game. He had a client who would stop at nothing to find his nemesis.

Where are you, GigaByte?Kyle asked his keyboard.


“Are you joining me for dinner?” Ivy asked Byte after they’d wrapped up their latest mission.

“Depends on where you’re going.” Byte wasn’t known for eating healthy and rarely enjoyed the places Ivy picked.

“I’ll let you pick it.”

“What do you want?”

Ivy shrugged.

“So you’d be okay if I chose a food truck?”

Ivy tried to rein in her look of horror but failed. As much as Byte wanted to pick at her friend and boss, she could see something was troubling her.

“Kidding. Let’s go to that salad bar you love so much. I’ll find something fattening to eat.”

“Yeah, right. How about tacos at Valentina’s instead?”

“A girl after my own heart.”

Byte tossed her backpack over her shoulder and followed Ivy out to the parking lot.

“You can ride with me,” Ivy suggested. Byte’s only means of transportation was her motorcycle—or death on wheels as Ivy referred to it.

Not questioning Ivy, Byte sat in the passenger seat of the luxury Lexus LC Convertible. Ivy had chosen the car because of its award as the Women’s World Car of the year. She couldn’t disagree with the title. It was the nicest luxury car she’d ever been in, not that she’d been in many.

After they were seated in the restaurant and had ordered their meal, Byte demanded answers.

“What gives, Ivy? Something’s off.”

“Ugh. I’ve become that woman!”

“What kind of woman?”

“The one who can’t seem to function without her man by her side. I can’t believe it!”

Byte began laughing. She’d watched as Ghost and Ivy had first skirted around their attraction, then began dating, and then when they were married just shy of a year ago. They had the kind of relationship that maybe one day she’d have. They respected each other. They played on each other’s strengths and tried to carry the weight for their mate’s weaknesses.

“When is Ghost returning from England?”

“In another week. Apparently setting up a satellite office in Europe is taking longer than he’d expected.”

“Even with Chaos’ help?”

“Yeah. They have to set the house up for business, finish hiring the team, and as I predicted, rein in Luca.”

“You did forewarn them. I can’t wait to meet him. He sounds fascinating.”

“Yeah, right. Luca is a wild card, which is not a good thing in the spy world, and even worse for an employer. But Justin wanted him, and Ryan agreed.”