Page 22 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Does this have something to do with Chloe?” Ivy asked, reaching her hand out to cover Byte’s clinched one.

“No… Yes. It started out because of her, but it’s so much larger than just Chloe.”

“You can tell us anything, Byte. You already know we kill those we deem unfit for existing.”

Byte did know. Seven’s words should’ve brought her comfort, but they didn’t. She’d never questioned her mission. She’d spent a small fortune to see it through. In truth, Karma wasn’t the problem she was worried about. Aaron and the team could easily take down their latest pedophile. He already had enough data to send to the FBI. No, her biggest problem was the other news Aaron had delivered. But instead of talking about her mother, she told the group about her company.

“Chloe was a little girl at my last foster home. She was a beautiful six-year-old when she arrived, and I protected her the best I could… until I emancipated myself and left.”

When Byte stopped, Ivy squeezed her hand, encouraging her to continue.

“When she was unprotected, our foster father raped and eventually impregnated her.”

“How old was she then?” Aria asked, wiping the tears from her cheek.


“Oh my God, she was Tori’s age,” Aria whispered.

“She killed herself.” Byte had to say the words quickly so she could finish her thoughts.

“Byte,” Ivy said. “I’m so sorry.”

“I couldn’t take her with me. I was sixteen, barely able to escape myself, and Aaron was already safely reunited with his family. So I did what I do best.”

“You stole money?” Seven asked in confusion.

Byte chuckled. “I can do more than steal, Seven. No, I ruined both the husband and wife.”

“Are they dead?”

That was where it got tricky. The short answer was yes, so that was what she told them.

“So they aren’t why you’re distracted,” Aria stated.

“No. I started Karma for the sole purpose of exposing and having the abusers arrested.”

“So you didn’t kill your former stepparents.”

“Legally, no.”

“Illegally?” Seven asked.

“Let’s just say it’s a gray area, one best not discussed.”

“Okay, so I’m assuming you have a new set of abusers you’re working on exposing,” Ivy summarized.

“Yes. Aaron sent me the information yesterday.”

“And what do you do with that intel?”

“I anonymously send it to the FBI… To Cruz.”

“How long have you been working with Cruz? He’s never mentioned it before,” Ivy stated.

“That’s because he doesn’t know it’s me, nor will he ever know. This has to stay between us. I will not have anyone looking into ALIAS because of Karma.”

“I like the name of your company,” Seven said. “You blokes like to state the obvious, don’t you? ALIAS for a network of spies, and Karma for a group of vigilantes.”